In Response to: the response to: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Response: Paradox of Political Art

In Response to: the response to: to someone else's response: to the
Response to Paradox of Political Art:

OK… lets start naming some names of famous artists that are really
taking a stand against this messed up war.
Any help would be great because I cant think of any of real importance.
For as much as i love the Rhizome community I unfortunately do not
consider anyone here a famous artist. Successful, yes..Brilliant of
ahead of their time, definitely. Famous NO…..

So where are they? Koons, Sherman, Kruger….shit even Golub, I love
him for doing the same thing, Maybe he will sign his name to the
petition.(he is one of my personal favs)
What are they really making. How is it different from what was being
done before? Does it serve the same purpose as the political art that
was made before.
Same Ideas, different place, different time, different names. Good
ideas are good ideas especially for social change. copy and repeat.
Would Richter considered attempting to create the next Guernica?

I agree take a stand.

Even if an artist is doing it strictly as a way to gain attention for
themselves then great.
If its powerful and touches the masses then great. Advertising
executives do it every day and get paid top dollar.

I dont think you should have turned down the book offer.
You don't seem to be alone in the naked people spelling words for
political causes art movement.
I ask why? and I am wondering why you think you are the first to think
of this sort of "nudist" performance art as political dissent.

I've personally seen some things that were not considered art at all,
just pure activism, and it be some of the coolest contemporary art
I've seen.
Earth First, Greenpeace, Food Not Bombs, Refuse & Resist Artists
Network (all of which actually have an internal agenda of there own
especially in NYC which I think is a bit elitist) but they are all
making art. Move-On commercial campaigns as well are making a
difference through their email campaigns and videos.
For the constant movement, i think the question is when did the
movement start. (before any of us were born) When has it been on track?
When has it been splintered through infighting and opportunism? George
Bush is just a puppet and although a very dangerous one. He will
eventually be replaced by another, hopefully less harmful one.
Its easy to spray the weed but to really get it you need to pull it out
by the root and hope you get them all. See one roach, know you have
Will your follow-up project be as strong and universal as NO BUSH?
Has it been done yet with NO WAR? How about "Fuck Bush"

you said
> This was at a time when dissent was barely on the radar.

Whos radar???? Your Radar ????????? Dissent >>>>>
Its out there, it never stops. I'm not trying to give you a hard time
but I think you are being a bit naive and the Newspaper has inflated
your ego.
The other projects you are working on that I saw on your website are
interesting and i encourage you to keep doing it but you are not alone.
Have you brought your art to the frontlines of and angry blackblock
taking on the cops. Your project was very safe outside of some risk of
frostbite of the butt.
Have you ever been to Dachau? The Nazis did much of their human testing
there, they learned a lot about what a human could with withstand.
Cold, Heat, Pressure. Although alot of people died there, they never
used the gas chambers. Probably the saddest place I have ever visited.

The VOMITORIUM sounds like fun., I would recommend to not ware your
good shoes.

Why do it in a controlled location? why not do it in a high-end uptown
restaurant and not pay the bill because everyone got sick.

Once fame sets in there is another agenda that an artist must consider
and that is their business of artmaking, their assistants, dealers,

When it comes to political art, dont give a damn what ANYone else says,
just do it until you learn how to not get arrested or until you sell
out or until there is no war or pain and suffering and cold and power
and ego and money and fame. Make it because something inside you is
driving your spirit to make a difference.
For some political art is just working for a childrens charity
collecting money on the streets. Basically begging as performance art.
For some painting landscapes with no underlying political meaning is
more powerful than your average period piece protest slogan one liner.
I personally think 15 years from now George Bush 1 and 2 will be mostly
forgotten about. Either times will get better or they will get worse.

Sorry for the ramble but I think you are out of touch with reality.
i do think though that this thread has inspired some important content
for consumption.

Eat it up… spit it out…or swallow and shit it out later.


Infiltrate and Take Over

On Tuesday, April 13, 2004, at 11:28 AM, wendy tremayne wrote:

> In Response to: Paradox of Political Art:
> It just makes me angry that in the middle of everything that is going
> on, to attack 'political