Project of Collaborative Art Criticism / 2004

Hello all,

The Museum of the Essencial and Beyond That ( is
beginning a Project of Collaborative Art Criticism.
During this project we intend to do collaborative and constructive reviews
about the works of
the museum.
We are working always with three languages: English and Portuguese/Spanish.
It means that people that never were together in any list because of the
language, should be now.

The first issue we have chosen is:


The works are being chosen "trans-gallery", it means that we are looking for
new classifications and readings of the museum's works.
We believe that this issue will interest everybody.

"The sexual revolution - the true, the only - is the advent of the
sexuality in the evolution of the alive things, the advent of a duality that
finishes the successive repetitions of the same individual. Because of
this, sexual revolution also is the revolution of the death. It is the
revolution of the death, in opposition to the individuals infinite
survival." (Jean Baudrillard - The Vital Illusion)

We are also interested in discussing Cloning, according to Baudrillard's
point of view (The Vital Illusion) and we are very curious to know why the
Cloning and Web Gallery of the museum has very few works up to now. If you
have a work to show in this gallery, send a message to
[email protected] .

If you want to participate of this process of constructive criticism, join
our newsletter right now:

Many thanks for your kind attention,

Regina Celia Pinto