Creative Computing Manifesto (stolen from nettime)

Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 09:25:54 +1000
From: Adrian Miles <[email protected]>
Subject: <nettime> manifest(o)

below is a manifesto written by myself and Jeremy Yuille for how we wish
and intend to use university facilities in our teaching. it is a
for ourselves, for our students, and the IT staff that we work with.
comments, additions, amendments welcome.

Adrian Miles and Jeremy Yuille.

[april 7 2004]


We teach students who work in the creative industries. In creative
computing contexts the products and processes of these industries are
artifacts. They may be ideas, interfaces, or media. All remain
malleable ,
before, during and after completion.

Their graduate computing context consists of small enterprises where IT
skills are distributed amongst the work group. These skills are informal
and self developed. There is no IT department and IT systems are self
managed. It is common for graduates in these industries to be self

This manifesto defines how we use computers in teaching and learning for
creative industries in these contexts.


Creative computing is being creative with a computer/network, not being
creative on a computer/network.

Creative computing requires computer and network literacy. This literacy
is analogous to, and as significant as print literacy.

Computer literacy is not the same as knowing how to use professional

Network literacy is not the same as knowing how to Google.

Network literacy is the ability to engage with and represent yourself
within the network.

Computer literacy is synonymous with network literacy.

This literacy is demonstrated in the responsible use of computers which
understands that the network includes social, ideological, legal,
political, ethical and ecological contexts.

Computer literacy requires basic understanding of the principles of
human-computer interaction.

This literacy is demonstrated in the ability to transfer knowledge
computing environments.

These literacies are learnt by doing.

Breaking, gleaning and assembling is a theory of praxis for these

Learning happens when things work, different learning occurs when things
don't work.

These literacies are an essential requirement for responsible creative
computing in pervasive digital networks.

Adrian Miles
……………………………………………………….. ||
interactive networked video ||
research blog ||

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