FWD: censorship at USD

This was sent to me by an acquaintance who had some
work pulled from an exhibit at the Univ. of San
Diego… forwarding here for anyone in the area and

As some of you know, and some of you may be interested
to know, I had
some work removed from an art exhibit on GLBT issues
at the University
of San Diego.
This has resulted in a panel discussion on "academic
freedom, freedom
expression, and artistic freedom" at the USD on
Thursday April 15,
If anyone is in the area, or is inclined to drive
down, your support
would be very welcome.
If anyone has connections to indy media folks or queer
press down
please pass on this info or pass their info on to me.
If anyone can publicize the event or the situation I
would welcome that
support as well.

For more info on the panel go to
look under "Upcoming Events" for the "Panel on Freedom
of Expression"

I have included the letter I wrote detailing my
experience below.

Please feel free to pass this message on.

On January 9, 2004 work from my series titled 'Blue
Things I Wear