Re: repeat request

Hi –

You have posted this annoucement to an email list not an individual.

Rhizome Digest is filtered by Feisal Ahmad or Kevin McGarry but it's
not really open to requests… Digest is a subjective filter of a
week's worth of contents from [email protected]

Your announcement is very interesting though and it will reach a lot of =

people just by being posted to [email protected]. And I am sure that one =

of Rhizome's SuperUsers will publish it to Rhizome Rare… you are
right that Rhizomers will be interested!

I will also pass this along to Net Art News writers and see if one of
them is interested in covering this topic.

Thanks for your post, Rachel

On Apr 2, 2004, at 3:32 PM, Johannes Birringer wrote:

> hello:
> May I ask for a confirmation that you received my mail asking you to =

> announce our summer laboratory in RHIZOME,
> and could you tell me when it is going to appear?
> thanks
> Johannes Birringer
> 3/25/04
> dear colleagues;
> please publish the enclosed announcement of our summer laboratory in =

> your Digest.
> If there is not enough space for the announcement in the four
> languages, please choose one language. Do let me know when you can
> carry the message, I remember I tried this last year and it didn't
> work. I want to make it reaches your readers this year,
> thanks much
> Johannes Birringer
> artistic director, Interaktionslabor Gottelborn
> Interaktionslabor 2:
> interactive architecture - movement - adoptive systems
> Gottelborn Coal Mine - Saarland, Germany
> July 5th-18th, 2004.
> directed by Johannes Birringer
> Interaktionslabor Gottelborn is currently accepting applications for=

> its second international summer workshop in the former coalmine
> intended to encourage and facilitate transdisciplinary creative
> practice. A laboratory for new media arts, performance and interactive =

> design is created within the changing landscape of industrial culture. =

> The former coal mine becomes an emergent space for integrative
> projects in artistic and
> scientific research.
> Cost:
> Full intensive: E400 / Single day: E 50,-
> * This cost does not include travel to Gottelborn and lodging. Those=

> arrangements should be made by the participant. The Lab is happy to
> offer suggestions and/or facilitate room/ride sharing.
> Send your application with resume before May 31 to
> [email protected] or [email protected]
> Magalie Trognon, IndustrieKultur Saar GmbH, Zum Schacht,
> 66287 Quierschied-Gottelborn