digital/genetic binarism

"If the influence of DNA on thought structure seems a
leap, Richard Dawkins's work renders it more
plausible.[28] Natural selection operates upon genes,
not species, so the evolutionary success of the genes
we cart around with us – or, more accurately, the
genes which utilize humans as a useful reproductive
vessel – may be attributable to the kinds of thoughts
they determine. Humans may not be walking and talking
dualists, but genes certainly are.

Dualism lies at the heart of life. It should not then
be surprising that given the chance to build the
ultimate machine, we based it on zeros and ones. Just
as the DNA structure determines replication and
reproduction – the laws of life – computer code
controls software and, more broadly, cyberspace. Larry
Lessig has written that just as constitutions identify
and protect values, computer software preserves
certain values at the expense of others. Code, Lessig
argues, is law. And code, at heart, is binary."

full text by Peter Lurie available on Ctheory

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