Playdate #1: War Games and Game Wars

Begin forwarded message:

> From: McKenzie Wark <[email protected]>
> Date: March 30, 2004 8:54:27 PM EST
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Playdate #1: War Games and Game Wars
> Dear friends, pleaser come if you can, and pass the invite along.
> – Ken Wark
> Playdate #1: War Games and Game Wars
> Friday 9th April 1-3pm Wolff Conference Room
> The New School 65 5th avenue (at 14th st)
> Free. All welcome. Lunch provided.
> Ed Halter, War Games: Digital Gaming and Military Culture
> An audio-visual presentation on the interconnected histories of
> computer gaming and the culture of war, including the military
> prehistory of video games, how real wars have been depicted in games,
> and new ways in which the US military is working with commerical
> gaming companies.
> Ed Halter is a regular contributor to the Village Voice and other
> fine publications. He has organized the New York Underground Film
> Festival since 1995, and has curated film, video and media exhibitions
> for various other events and spaces.
> Alex Galloway, Social Realism in Gaming
> On March 21, 2003, a day into the war in Iraq, Sony filed a trademark
> application for the phrase 'shock and awe,