NAN:_E-Journal_vol.1_-_Raul_Ferrera-Balanquet_cur ates_"In[ter]vencion"

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "[R][R][F] 2004" <[email protected]>
> Date: March 29, 2004 3:25:56 AM EST
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: E-Journal vol.1 - Raul Ferrera-Balanquet curates =

> "In[ter]vencion"
> Reply-To: "[R][R][F] 2004" <[email protected]>
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP ~ E-Journal - Vol.1
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP
> global networking project
> announces the first edition of
> .
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP ~ E-Journal,
> an extension of the global networking project,
> will be edited periodically
> in order to feature projects, curators, artists and other networking
> instances
> on a textual information basis.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> E-Journal Vol.1 - Features
> .
> 1. Raul Ferrera-Balanquet curates "In[ter]vencion"
> 2. [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP - News!!
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> 1. Raul Ferrera-Balanquet curates "In[ter]vencion"
> .
> "In[ter]vencion"
> is the title of Raul Ferrera-Balanquet's
> curatorial contribution to [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP
> or direct access also via
> .
> Curator: Raul Ferrera-Balanquet
> Selected artists:
> 1. Giselle Beiguelman (Brazil)
> 2. Ricardo Baez (Venezuela)
> 3. Santiago Perez Alfaro (Mexico)
> 4. Eduardo Nava (El Salvador/USA)
> 5. Juan Devis and OnRamp Arts (Colombia/USA)
> 6. Alex Riviera (Peru/USA)
> .
> In[ter]vencion
> Essay by Raul Ferrera Balanquet
> .
> Navigating up the stream of data flow in the current state of
> disinformation
> requires an extreme cultural training. The constant manipulation of
> stereotypical images -the image of the terrorist is a good example-, =

> the
> increase of access to the information networks in the so called "third
> world", and the imposition of English as a dominant language in network
> technologies are workings to erase the fight for preserving and
> renovating
> our cultural traditions.
> In[ter]vencion presents six Latinos artists living in diverse regions=

> of the
> Americas: Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and Los Angeles, all of them
> Latinos
> territories. This curatorial effort creates a glimpse to a body of work
> produced by cultural warriors of their own time who, as conscious of =

> the
> need for cultural intervention in the space of flow, have confronted =

> the
> language and technological dominant paradimgs to employ interventionist
> tactics such as the game, the electronic magazine, the recycling of the
> database and the reconstruction of traditions. No matter how difficult =

> is to
> be a net artist; we are here, overcoming the obstacles, perpetuating,
> recycling and creating the digital myths of Las Americas.
> .
> About the curator:
> Raul Ferrera-Balanquet
> was born in Havana, Cuba in 1958. MFA, Multimedia and Video Art
> Department,
> University of Iowa, 1992. Ferrera-Balanquet has curated major media
> arts
> exhibits in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico, among =

> them
> InteractivA'03 and 01 for the Museum of Contemporary Art (MACAY),
> Merida,
> Yucatan. Mexico, 2001 and 2003; "Huellas de un Corazon Sangrante en
> Tropicana", MIX-Brazil, for the Museum of Sound and Image, Sao Paulo,
> Brazil; "Videos That Unmask, Test and Invade the Colonial System",
> Program
> I, Video In, Vancouver B.C., Canada. He has exhibited his work at the
> Whitney Museum of American Art, Randolph Street Gallery-Chicago,
> Brisbane
> Powerhouse Art center, Australia, Video IN-Vancouver, Canada, Museo de =

> Arte
> Actual, Bogota, Colombia, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago,
> Centro de
> Cultura Contemporanea, Barcelona, Spain, Museum of Contemporary Art
> (MACAY),
> Merida, Mexico. In addition to a Fulbright Fellowship,
> Ferrera-Balanquet has
> been awarded grants from US/Mexico Cultural Fund, Moon Radio Webtv
> Commission, The Australian Network of Art and Technology, the National
> Endowment for the Arts (NEA), The Lyn Blumenthal Video Foundation, and =

> the
> Noetic Science Institute/Fetzer Institute. His writings have appeared =

> in the
> Australian based The Media Circus Reader, Artpapers, Radical Teacher,
> Cinematograph, Felix, the Mexican literary magazine El Juglar, the
> Miami
> based Perra! La Revista and the British/German art magazine Guestroom.
> The selected artists:
> ******************************************************
> 1.
> Giselle Beiguelman (Brazil)
> About artist/work
> Giselle Beiguelman is a new media artist and multimedia essayist from =

> Brazil
> who teaches
> Digital Culture at the Graduation Program in Communication and
> Semiotics of
> PUC-SP (Sao Paulo, Brazil).
> Work:
> Her work, entitled "Poetrica" is an investigation about
> reading and reception in cybrid and entropy situations. It involves a =

> series
> of visual poems conceived by myself with non-fonetic fonts (dings and =

> system
> fonts) and a teleintervention mediated by creations made by the public =

> using
> the same typographic background.
> ******************************************************
> 2
> Ricardo Baez (Venezuela)
> About artist/work
> Born in Caraca, Venezuela, 1950. M.A. in Mathematics, University
> of San Diego, 1978.
> His work "Los Diablos Danzantes de Yare" (The Dancing Devils of Yare).
> is a colorful festivity on occasion of Corpus Christi
> at San Francisco de Yare, a small town close to Caracas, symbolizing =

> the
> eternal struggle between Good and Evil. Its roots may be traced back =

> to the
> Middle Ages in Europe.
> ******************************************************
> 3.
> Santiago Esteban Perez Alfaro (Mexico)
> About artist/work
> Born in Merida, Yucatan, 1984. Computer technictian graduated
> from Centro de Bachilleres Tecnologicos Industriales y de Servicios =

> No. 120. He studies Computer System at the Instituto Tecnologico de =

> Merida.
> His work, entitled "Ti' Kiimil" (From Death)
> is representing the hybrid colonial process Mayan-Spanish, a
> traditional altar become the point of departure of this imaginary
> collective
> landscape that measure the dimensionality of the sky (Ka'an), the
> underworld
> (Mitnal) and the traditions around death, which have survived colonial =

> times
> and take place during October 31 and November 1 and 2 in the state of
> Yucatan, Mexico.
> ******************************************************
> 3
> Eduardo Navas (El Salvador/USA)
> About artist/work
> Navas started to develop on-line projects in 1997.
> Eduardo Navas received his BFA from Otis College of Art and Design
> (1998), and his MFA from California Institute of the Arts (2000).
> His work, entittled "Re_cycled_Views"
> is a project appropriating previously
> published critical writings in Net Art Review,
> an online collaborative that was founded in February of 2003 as a
> public
> resource for
> diverse Web and Internet communities to learn about and share their
> interests in Net Art and its crossover to the wider New Media Field.
> ******************************************************
> 4
> Juan Devis and OnRamp Arts (Colombia/USA)
> About artist/work
> Colombian-born Juan Devis writes, directs, and produces collaborative
> multimedia projects focusing on social and political accountability.
> OnRamp Arts is a digital arts organization in central Los Angeles that
> creates, produces and distributes collaborative new media projects with
> community members and artists.
> His work: "Tropical America" is an online video game
> that traces the genesis of the 1981
> massacre of El Mozote in El Salvador. It fuses the new world of video =

> games
> to a compelling past through a journey to unravel the mysteries of the
> Americas. Developed in collaboration with Los Angeles artists,
> teachers,
> writers and high school students, the game features a bilingual,
> thematic
> gameplay, accompanied by an online database of educational resource
> materials, source texts and imagery.
> ******************************************************
> 5.
> Alex Riviera (Peru/USA)
> About artist/work
> Alex Rivera is a New York based digital media artist and
> filmmaker. Through the past 5 years he,s made work in digital video
> and on
> the internet that addresses concerns of the Latino community through a
> language of humor, satire, and metaphor.
> His work, entitled: "Invisible America" is not a web site. IA is a
> media
> company, a corporation,
> and a nation. IA's mission is to use any and all forms of media
> -internet,
> animation, documentary, narrative- to contemplate our new, twisted, and
> ultimately surreal American Reality. Invisible America is the home of
> "Satirical Realism."
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //////
> ///////////////////////////
> 2. News
> a)
> First some really sad news–>
> Ana Maria Uribe, net and poetry artist from Argentina
> died on 5 March, before she was able to join
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP - Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina.
> .
> b)
> Due to ist success,
> the physical show/presentation of [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP
> at National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest/Romania
> has been prolonged until 30 April 2004.
> .
> c) A comprehensive article about [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP
> was published on 15 March on Net-Zine
> "El Batiscafo"
> id_seccion=4&id_articulo=109&id_periodico=18
> Santillana University (Spain)
> .
> d)
> On 17 March,
> Agricola de Cologne was talking about his project
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP during the NetMeeting at
> The University of Illinois at Chicago - School of Art and
> Design (M/C 036) Electronic Visualization Laboratory
> .
> e)
> on 26 March
> Agricola TV published —>
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP
> video lecture by Agricola de Cologne
> realized on occasion of the presentation on
> New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand
> (20-28 March)
> .
> *******************************************
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP
> global networking project
> by Agricola de Cologne,
> media artist and New Media curator from Cologne/Germany
> [email protected]
> .
> As a corporate part of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||Cologne,
> the project will develop and operate until deep in the year 2005.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //////
> ///////////////////
> As an extension of the global networking project,
> [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP ~ E-Journal
> will be edited periodically
> in order to feature projects, curators, artists and other networking
> instances
> on a textual information basis.
> .
> copyright