Re: salsa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, salsa!!!!!!!

salsa7 is the best
open it in the background and…
you don't have to leave your room
just get up aaaaaaaaaaaaaand…
on y va!!!!

—– Original Message —–
From: "Pet Name" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: "Kate Southworth" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: what if and tid bits i cry to much

> > Kate Southworth <[email protected]> ecrit:
> >
> > This raises a really interesting point, I feel. I get truly sick of
> > working on my computer, inside, not using my body very much. I yearn to
> > a carpenter or a gardener. I think many people feel the same. Painting
> > seems the equivalent of being a gardener. Physicality, smells, dirt
> > Is it just a hobby then?
> Dance I said! Get up and boogie!! What? You don't have a boogie-down tape
> from last summers napped mp3s? Hell DL some new ones, or I'll burn you my
> boogie-down cd if you like.
> No seriously, I have "inside days", where I don't see light (no windows,
> metaphors either) and all I do is sit in front of my computer, eating,
> drinking, and farting about. And when I've felt like I've had too many of
> those types of days, and I know it when I begin to hallucinate and loose
> depth perception, I take then next day and leave in the morning and stay
> till night or until I can face sitting back at my computer again. Those
> my "outside days".
> Gardening is good, hobby, art is a hobby, we're all tinkering
> thinkers/non-thinkers. John Cage was into mushrooms, he went mushroom
> I can't remember if he chose to make music because it was the next word in
> the dictionary after the word mushrooms or vice versa.
> -muserna
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> v.._.|| |i.v_.v.._.|| |i.v_._v.._.|| |i.v_._v.._.|| |i.v_._v.._.|| |i.v_._
> "Sometimes dead is better." - Pet Semetary
> + fuck
> ->
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