Fwd: Textz.com: Copy Adorno, go to Jail?

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sebastian Luetgert <[email protected]>
> Date: March 4, 2004 3:13:49 PM EST
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Textz.com: Copy Adorno, go to Jail?
> [Bcc: Daniel G. Andujar, Jeebesh Bagchi, Rachel Baker, Richard
> Barbrook, Sharon
> Ben-Joseph, Franco Berardi, Andy Bichlbaum, Franko Birkut, Zeljko
> Blace, Mike
> Bonanno, Josephine Bosma, Ted Byfield, Didier Demorcy, Ricardo
> Dominguez, Tim
> Druckrey, Haytham El Wardany, Jim Fleming, Matthew Fuller, David
> Garcia, Paul
> Garrin, Rachel Greene, Andy Grier, Brian Holmes, Fran Ilich, Lawrence =

> Liang,
> Olia Liliana, Geert Lovink, Eva Mattes, Kobe Matthys, Declan
> McCullagh, Kevin
> Kelly, Jamie King, Oleg Kireev, Ken Knabb, Arthur Kroker, David
> Mandl, Diana
> McCarty, RTMark, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Alan Sondheim, Bruce
> Sterling, Ravi
> Sundaram, Klaus Theweleit, Alan Toner, Mark Tribe, Ulrike Uhlig,
> McKenzie Wark,
> Peter Weibel, Joseph Weizenbaum, Dirk de Wit]
> Dear all,
> some of you may already know about the issue, some of you may not.
> Textz.com –
> which, juridically, boils down to me – is currently having a problem =

> with two
> essays by Theodor W. Adorno. Their copyright holder – a Hamburg
> foundation run
> by Jan Philipp Reemtsma, well-known theory collector and wealthy
> philanthropist
> who owns a big slice of Adorno and Benjamin – has obtained a warrant =

> of arrest
> against me, claiming textz.com has trespassed on their "intellectual =

> property".
> The case has already stirred a bizarre controversy in German
> mainstream press,
> but I think that the issue deserves some more attention beyond just
> that.
> Attached is an open letter sent to the Hamburg foundation, as well as =

> the press
> release textz.com has issued last week. The latter includes both a
> how-to that
> lists a few ways to support textz.com and a collection of links that =

> point to
> some more background information, correspondence, press coverage, and =

> the like.
> Most of it is archived at http://textz.com/adorno – and since at
> least some of
> it is even quite funny, I hope that I'm not completely wasting your
> time.
> Best regards,
> Sebastian Luetgert
> textz.com
> Berlin, Germany
> =========================
> =========
> Free Adorno, Free Benjamin
> An Open Letter to Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Regarding His "Intellectual
> Property"
> Jan Philipp Reemtsma
> Hamburg Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Culture
> Mittelweg 36
> 20148 Hamburg/Germany
> Dear Jan Philipp Reemtsma,
> you are a man of immense wealth - a wealth that is not limited to the =

> material
> world, but stretches far into the realm of the intellectual. You have =

> founded
> and are continuously funding a number of institutions and archives
> that claim to
> serve the public by advancing both scientific research and cultural
> expression.
> Today, we have to notify you that, just as your material riches are
> about to
> increase by another few thousand Euros, you have irrevocably lost the =

> rights to
> some of your most precious pieces of "intellectual property".
> As you, as its president, must be aware of, the Hamburg Foundation for =

> the
> Advancement of Science and Culture has sued - and obtained a
> preliminary
> injunction against - the owner of textz.com, who, according to your
> lawyers,
> Senfft, Kersten, Voss-Andreae and Schwenn, has caused your foundation =

> damages of
> more than 2,300 Euros by making available for download two essays by =

> Theodor W.
> Adorno. Even though textz.com, by never paying or even acknowledging =

> these
> fictitious damages, has given you sufficient time to realize your
> mistake, you
> have filed for and obtained a warrant of arrest against the - still
> undefended -
> defendant.
> Jail time for copying Adorno: that's where you have crossed the line =

> that
> separates ordinary copyright cases from extraordinary tales of
> copyright madness
> - despite, and maybe just because, the formal correctness of your
> procedure. As
> an "intellectual proprietor" of Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin, =

> you
> should be aware of the power that still emanates from their works: a =

> negative,
> dialectical, weak and historical power that stretches far beyond the =

> reach of
> any court of law, and that it impossible to contain in any of your
> archives.
> "Intellectually", Adorno and Benjamin will always escape the idea of =

> becoming
> commodities, and their works, even as the private property they have =

> become,
> have a peculiar tendency to vanish the very moment you try to get hold =

> of them.
> The question of "intellectual property" is not if the producers of
> creative
> works should be denied their right to material reproduction through
> their
> creative work, or if the temporary owners of such works should be hung =

> by the
> guts of their lawyers. The question of "intellectual property" is when =

> it will
> finally be acknowledged that the people have a universal right to the
> reappropriation of the means of production, that creative works -
> however
> privatized and commodified they may have become - are a such means of
> production, and that their reproduction ist a fundamental and fully
> legitimate
> form of production itself.
> Even confronted with today's draconic laws against digital
> reproduction - the
> state of permanent emergency and institutionalized panic that is the =

> "war
> against piracy" - people have never ceased to copy, paste, modify,
> save, upload,
> download, print and share digital data. In the case of "intellectual =

> property",
> the power of the factual exceeds by far the power of the law. The
> people are
> perfectly aware of the historical fact that no law is ever just given. =

> Law is
> created though factual struggle, and it erodes through factual
> struggle. Thus,
> the critique of "intellectual property" cannot remain individual,
> sporadic, and
> theoretical - it has to become swarming, massively parallel, and
> practical.
> We are glad to announce that, effective today, every single work by
> Adorno and
> Benjamin that you claim as your "intellectual property" has become
> part of the
> very public domain that had granted you these copyrights in the first =

> place. Of
> course they will not be available instantly, and of course we will not =

> publish
> them ourselves - but you can take our word that they will be out, in =

> countless
> locations and formats, and that not even a legion of lawyers will
> manage to get
> them back. Maybe it helps if you think of your "intellectual property" =

> as a
> genie, and of your foundation as a bottling business.
> We like non-fiction, and we live in fictitious times. We live in a
> time where we
> have fictitious "intellectual property" laws that serve fictitious
> copyright
> holders. We live in a time where we have fictitious private
> institutions that
> are going to war against piracy for fictitious reasons. Whether it's =

> the fiction
> of rights management or the fiction of intellectual theft - we are
> against this
> war, Mr. Reemtsma. Shame on you, Mr. Reemtsma, shame on you. And any =

> time you
> got the Arts and the Sciences against you, your time is up.
> Thank you very much,
> The Berlin Foundation for the Advancement of Production and
> Reproduction
> a.k.a.
> A.S.Ambulanzen
> Berlin/Germany
> February 24, 2004
> P.S.: We know that German Neo-Fascists have attacked you numerous
> times for the
> exhibition on the crimes of the German Wehrmacht, curated by your
> Hamburg
> Institute for Social Research, and that they continue to defame you as =

> the "heir
> of a tobacco company", which not only, and in the first place,
> perfectly fits an
> anti-semitic cliche, but also resonates, in many of these defamations,=

> with
> hints to your "personal responsability for the death of millions of
> smokers".
> Please be assured that - even though we don't share your opinion that =

> said
> exhibition was a "success", and even though tobacco may be just another
> commodity that kills - we, as a group of smokers who know the Germans =

> and their
> history, are on your side, no matter what, in defense of society
> against
> Fascism. If you side with us in defense of wealth against scarcity is =

> an
> entirely different question - but we bet that one day you will.
> =========================
> =========
> Copy Adorno, Go To Jail? Textz.com Doesn't Think So
> The Hamburg Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Culture,
> presided by
> Jan Philipp Reemtsma, has just advanced science and culture to a whole =

> new
> level: Sebastian Luetgert, the founder of textz.com, is facing a
> warrant of
> arrest and may go to jail if he fails to pay more than 2,300 euros in =

> damages
> for the alleged copying of two essays by Theodor W. Adorno that the
> foundation
> claims as their "intellectual property". Reemtsma was kindly asked to =

> settle,
> but refused.
> The case dates back to August 2002, when the foundation filed for a
> preliminary
> injunction against Luetgert at the Hamburg State Court, referring to =

> the alleged
> distibution of two works by Theodor W. Adorno, "Jargon der
> Eigentlichkeit" and
> "Fascism and Anti-Semitic Propaganda". Since not a single e-mail was =

> sent to
> notify textz.com of the matter, and since written notification failed =

> to reach
> the defendant, textz.com only learned about the issue after a few
> days. The
> works in question were immediately removed from the site to avoid any =

> further
> legal hassles.
> In December 2003, Luetgert found himself confronted with a warrant of =

> arrest,
> obtained against him by the Hamburg Foundation, citing unpaid claims =

> related to
> the unauthorized copying of said works. In January 2004, Luetgert
> addressed the
> issue in a letter to Reemtsma and asked for a scholarship so he could =

> pay this
> debt and avoid jail time. Reemtsma did not reply, but handed the
> letter over to
> his foundation's lawyers - Senfft, Kersten, Voss-Andreae & Schwenn - =

> who insist
> on the payment of 2,331.32 Euros for alleged damages and legal fees.
> Textz.com believes that an "intellectual proprietor" of Theodor W.
> Adorno and
> Walter Benjamin who claims to advance science and culture by sending =

> people to
> jail for taking Adorno and Benjamin serious is seriously wrong on a
> whole number
> of points. The Hamburg Foundation undererstimates the resistance of
> their
> possessions against their legal protection just as much as their
> lawyers
> underestimate the ability of the Internet to route around damage. In =

> the end,
> they may even be wrong in thinking that they will ever get their
> property back.
> Today, in an open letter (http://textz.com/adorno/open_letter.txt),
> Reemtsma has
> been notified that his foundation's "intellectual property" has been =

> returned to
> the public domain. This first-of-its-kind protest signals a refusal to =

> let
> copyright holders and lawyers censor the very works they pretend to
> protect and
> control what the public can archive or read. There is a universal
> right to copy
> that will never cease to apply, and there is copyright legislation
> that will.
> We're just at the beginning.
> Textz.com
> February 24, 2004
> http://textz.com
> mailto:[email protected]
> ———————————————————————–=

> ———
> How you can support textz.com:
> - Spread the word. Tell your friends, tell a journalist, write about =

> it, put it
> on a website, post it to a mailing list, etc. Textz.com is also
> available for
> interviews, just mail to [email protected].
> - Sign our petition at http://textz.com/adorno/petition.html.
> - Write a letter to Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Hamburg Foundation for the =

> Advancement
> of Science and Culture, Mittelweg 36, 20148 Hamburg, Germany. If you =

> like,
> send a copy of your letter to [email protected].
> - Donate to textz.com via http://textz.com/adorno/donate.html.
> - Buy a copy of Robert Luxemburg's "The Conceptual Crisis of Private =

> Property as
> a Crisis in Practice" (http://textz.com/crisis). All proceedings
> will go to
> textz.com's fund for legal expenses.
> - Put our "Free Adorno" banner (http://textz.com/adorno/banner.gif) on =

> your
> website, and/or link to http://textz.com/adorno.
> - Meet textz.com at Neuro Festival, February 26-29, Munich, Germany
> (check
> http://neuro.kein.org for details) and join our discussion about
> further
> strategies in this case.
> - Select all, copy, paste, save, upload, share. Reappropriate. (And
> remember:
> there is no need to break what you can circumvent. Don't innovate, =

> imitate.)
> ———————————————————————–=

> ———
> Related links:
> Documentation of our correnspondence:
> http://textz.com/adorno/documentation.de.txt
> http://textz.com/adorno/documentation.en-babelfish.txt
> Press coverage:
> http://textz.com/adorno/press.de.txt
> http://textz.com/adorno/press.en-babelfish.txt
> Open Letter to Jan Philipp Reemtsma:
> http://textz.com/adorno/open_letter.txt
> The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction:
> http://textz.com/adorno/work_of_art.txt
> Franz Kafka on "intellectual property":
> http://textz.com/kafka
> Textz.com mission statement, early 2001:
> http://textz.com/concept
> What others say about textz.com:
> http://textz.com/press
> The textz that textz.com is all about:
> http://textz.com/cache
> http://textz.com/textz
> Some state-of-the-art copyright circumvention technologies:
> http://textz.com/trash
> http://textz.com/crisis
> Some more stuff we have not yet been sued for:
> http://textz.com/search
> http://textz.com/news
> Drop us a line, send us a text, or subscribe to our newsletter:
> http://textz.com/contact
> Finally, while freeing Adorno, please free the Grey Album too:
> http://textz.com/greyalbum/greyalbum.html