the art of memory

'The art of memory' refers primarily to ancient methodologies concerned with
how to remember stuff. Before there was writing there was need to remember
lots of stuff. There's still need to remember lots of stuff, but in our
multi-mediated spaces we tend not to have to memorize anything we can look
up and instead memorize ways of looking stuff up/writing stuff down. Basic
computer skills are basically concerned with how to get the computer to
recall and memorize information.

It's interesting to look at as portal into
ancient technologies of memory and their structures. You could look at it as
a very human technology, ie, the art of memory is concerned to utilize the
brain's natural capacity for memorizing and memory retrieval. And it'd be
that, but also it is kind of trans-human in that the ancient art of memory
is a kind of field of data structures, ie, sort of like you study data
structures in computer science.

What is memorable?
