Fwd: VIPER Basel | Competition 2004 - call for entries

Begin forwarded message:

> From: VIPER Basel Competition <[email protected]>
> Date: February 18, 2004 7:06:53 AM EST
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: VIPER Basel | Competition 2004 - call for entries
> Please distribute to anyone who might be interested - Thank you.
> ………………………………………..
> VIPER Basel | Competition 2004
> ………………………………………..
> Call for entries
> ………………………………………..
> VIPER Basel | International Festival for Film Video and New Media
> 18 - 22 November 2004
> ………………………………………..
> Submission: April 15, 2004 (date of the official postal stamp)
> Works and projects which are not ready by the closing date for entries
> can be entered in the form of indicative documentation material or as
> a concept description.
> Acceptance decision: July 2004
> Master Setting due: October 1, 2004
> Festival dates: November 18 - 22, 2004
> Entry is free of charge.
> Regulations, registration form, and further information can be
> downloaded from
> http://www.viper.ch/
> ………………………………………..
> VIPER Basel
> is one of the major European film, video and new media festivals. It
> offers a highly-regarded platform for presenting innovative works and
> projects, attracting Swiss and international filmmakers and producers,
> artists, curators, critics and purveyors of ideas from the media,
> research and politics.
> In addition, VIPER Basel's International Forum provides annually an
> up-to-date podium for presenting and discussing forward-looking
> positions, models and scenarios - a Think-and-Do-Tank for 21st century
> media, culture and society.
> ………………………………………..
> VIPER Basel | Competition 2004
> The VIPER Basel | Competition 2004 is an international competition. An
> independent jury will nominate and award the works and projects
> submitted in the categories [imagination | processing |
> transposition].
> [Imagination]
> This category is open to works and projects dealing with traditional
> and future forms of the moving image.
> Possible submissions include analogue and digital films/videos,
> experimental films (including sound/video), 2D and 3D animations,
> extended forms of traditional cinema, linear and non-linear narrative
> image sequences, mobile and innovative screen formats, split- and/or
> multiple-screen arrangements. They may be complemented by modes of
> individual and collective interaction if wished.
> [Processing]
> This category is open to works and projects that are characterised by
> processes and live elements.
> Installations or systems can be submitted that are devised to involve
> a local situation and/or an audience actively, thus emphasising the
> ability to interact and improvise when handling digital information
> systems. This includes performances, immersive and hybrid
> (real/virtual) environments, 'play- and social software' applications,
> 'smart objects', intelligent and ambient systems as well as interface
> and interaction design.
> [Transposition]
> This category is open to works and projects emphasising acting and
> communicating within technologically defined networks.
> Applications, prototypes and concepts can be submitted that use or
> specifically apply network architecture that functions independently
> of time and place. This includes for example location-related and
> distributed systems (LAN/WAN/WIFI etc.), mobile computing, GPS
> applications, infra-red and Bluetooth connections. The key feature in
> each case is an unusual and/or experimental use of technologically
> defined network topographies.
> ………………………………………..
> VIPER Basel | International Festival for Film Video and New Media
> PO Box, CH - 4002 Basel
> [email protected], www.viper.ch
> ………………………………………..