[Fwd: Summer Fellowships for New Journal]

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: Summer Fellowships for New Journal
From: "Chris Hanson" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, February 13, 2004 12:50 pm
To: [email protected]

Please distribute widely.

Summer Fellowship Call for Projects
Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

The Institute for Multimedia Literacy (IML) at the University of Southern
California's Annenberg Center for Communication is pleased to announce a
Fellowship program for summer 2004 to foster innovative research for its
new electronic publishing venture, Vectors: Journal of Culture and
Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular.

Vectors is a new, international electronic journal dedicated to expanding
the potentials of academic publication via emergent and transitional
media. Vectors brings together visionary scholars with cutting-edge
designers and technologists to propose a thorough rethinking of the
dynamic relationship of form to content in academic research, focusing on
the ways technology shapes, transforms and reconfigures social and
cultural relations.

Vectors will adhere to the highest standards of quality in a strenuously
reviewed format. The journal is edited by Tara McPherson and Steve
Anderson and guided by the collective knowledge of a prestigious
international board.

About the Fellowships