Bing may bring a young trio to sing songs at noon.

Lesson 13
by: garymsoccer 02/13/04 10:35 am
Msg: 7 of 7

J j mj mj am ma ma me me ma ma jam jam ham ham yam
J j mj mj am ma ma me me ma ma jam jam ham ham yam
Mj mj me me me may may yam yam dam dam men men jam
Mj mj me me me may may yam yam dam dam men men jam
Am to; if me; a man; a yam; a ham; he may; the hem
Am to; if me; a man; a yam; a ham; he may; the hem
S s xs xs xs ox ox ax ax six six fix fix fox fox asix
S s xs xs xs ox ox ax ax six six fix fix fox fox asix
Xs xs sx sx ox ox six six nix nix fix fix lax flax
Xs xs sx sx ox ox six six nix nix fix fix lax flax
A fox; an ox; fix it; by six; is lax; to fix an ax
A fox; an ox; fix it; by six; is lax; to fix an ax
Me ox am ax ma jam six ham mix fox men lax hem lox
Me ox am ax ma jam six ham mix fox men lax hem lox
To fix; am lax; mis it; may fix it; six men; hex them
To fix; am lax; mis it; may fix it; six men; hex them
Mala can mix a ham salad for six; Max can fix tea
Mala can mix a ham salad for six; Max can fix tea
By am end fix men box hem but six now cut gem ribs
By am end fix men box hem but six now cut gem ribs
Mala can mix a ham salad for six; Max can fix tea
By am end fix men box hem but six now cut gem ribs
An of me do am if us or is by go ma so ah ox it ow
An of me do am if us or is by go ma so ah ox it ow
By man buy fan jam can any tan may rob ham fun guy
By man buy fan jam can any tan may rob ham fun guy
If us me do an sow the cut big jam rub oak lax boy
If us me do an sow the cut big jam rub oak lax boy
Curl work form born name flex just done many right
Curl work form born name flex just done many right
Or jam if she for me is big an end or buy is to be
Or jam if she for me is big an end or buy is to be
To fix and cut for work and suck big firm the call
To fix and cut for work and suck big firm the call
Jacki is now at the gym; Lex is due there by four.
Jacki is now at the gym; Lex is due there by four.
Joni saw that she could fix my old bike for Gilda.
Joni saw that she could fix my old bike for Gilda.
Mrs. Dixon may take her Ed. D. exam early in March.
Mrs. Dixon may take her Ed. D. exam early in March.
Lex may send a box c.o.d. to Ms. Fox in St. Croix.
Lex may send a box c.o.d. to Ms. Fox in St. Croix.
J. D. and Max will go b boat to St. Louis in May.
J. D. and Max will go b boat to St. Louis in May.
Owen keyed ect. For etc. and lost the match to me.
Owen keyed ect. For etc. and lost the match to me.
Max told them that he will next fit the main axle.
Max told them that he will next fit the main axle.
Wilf and Rona work in Tucson with Rowena and Drew.
Wilf and Rona work in Tucson with Rowena and Drew.
Lucy cut a huge cake for just the four lucky boys.
Lucy cut a huge cake for just the four lucky boys.
Mr. And Mrs. J. L. Nance set sail for Long Island.
Mr. And Mrs. J. L. Nance set sail for Long Island.
Bing may bring a young trio to sing songs at noon.
Bing may bring a young trio to sing songs at noon.
Lottie will tell the two little boys a good story.
Lottie will tell the two little boys a good story.
Ria said she will first build a large fire of fir.
Ria said she will first build a large fire of fir.
Chet was here when the eight hikers hit the trail.
Chet was here when the eight hikers hit the trail


This is as useful as a doll.–Gertrude Stein

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associate editor, _sidereality


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