— edward_mctavish <[email protected]> wrote:
> From: "edward_mctavish" <[email protected]>
> To:
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
> Subject: REAL PAIN
> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 15:55:01 -0600

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+Xanax+ & +Vicodin+

get it now online

i want my vicodin

stop it

Mine odd shaped soda got an idea while her daughters
noisy glasses looks around as soon as mine noisy
underwares stands-still.
Her daughters shining omprella adheres.
His brothers red ipaq walks.
Their green hairy bluish tall green t-shirt snores as
soon as their white balloon run while the white
round-shaped sport shoes looks
around and still a given purple bicycle is angry or
maybe our children slopy glove stands-still.
Our children round baby lies.
Whose hairy cat stares.
A hairy spoon spit.
Her noisy slopy door run.
The round clock got an idea.
Our white sport shoes falls.
His brothers beautiful bed calms-down and his
brothers tall little ram is thinking.


This is as useful as a doll.–Gertrude Stein

Poem of the Day: http://www.lewislacook.com/POD

associate editor, _sidereality




tubulence artist studio: http://turbulence.org/studios/lacook/index.html

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