p0es1s. Digitale Poesie / exhibition, publication, colloquium

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "][mez][" <[email protected]>
> Date: February 10, 2004 4:31:08 PM EST
> To: Rachel Greene <[email protected]>
> Subject: p0es1s. Digitale Poesie / exhibition, publication, colloquium
> From: "Friedrich W. Block" <[email protected]>
> p0es1s. Digitale Poesie
> This digital poetry exhibition presents and reflects on the use of
> languages in computers and digital networks: hybrid texts at the
> interfaces
> of script, image and sound, together with their programming and coding.
> Digital poetry is a creative, experimental, playful and critical
> language
> art that uses interaction, multimedia, animation, programming and
> network
> communication. It is also a type of poetry whose very existence
> requires
> the participation of those attending the exhibition.
> The curator for the exhibition is Friedrich W. Block, in cooperation
> with
> Benjamin Meyer-Krahmer. The chezweitz scenography team developed a
> distinct
> visual and spatial identity for p0es1s. Digitale Poesie.
> Many of the artists will attend the opening on Thursday, 12 February,
> at
> 7:00 pm in the special exhibition hall at the Kulturforum Potsdamer
> Platz,
> Berlin.
> > Jean Pierre Balpe > Giselle Beiguelman > Simon Biggs > Philippe
> Bootz >
> Christophe Bruno / Jimpunk > John Cayley / Giles Perring > Johannes
> Auer,
> Reinhard Dohl, Sylvia Egger, Oliver Gassner, Martina Kieninger, Beat
> Suter>
> Dragan Espenschied / Alvar Freude > Frank Fietzek > Ulrike Gabriel /
> Oskar
> Pastior > Loss Pequeno Glazier > Young- Hae Chang Heavy Industries >
> Jaromil > Jodi > Aya Karpinska > Mez > Andreas Muller-Pohle > Jorg
> Piringer
> > Daniela Alina Plewe > Jim Rosenberg > Stefan Schemat / Heiko Idensen
> >
> Bill Seaman > Romy Achituv / Camille Utterback > Andre Vallias > Marek
> Walczak / Martin Wattenberg > Uli Winters / Frank Fietzek >
> Zeitgenossen
> Digitale Poesie will run from 13 February to 4 April 2004, organized
> by the
> literaturWERKstatt berlin in cooperation with the Bruckner-Kuhner
> Foundation (Kassel) in the special exhibition hall at the Kulturforum
> Potsdamer Platz, Berlin. More than 40 artists from 12 countries are
> presenting various approaches to literary art using computers and the
> Internet.
> The publication "p0es1s. The Aesthetics of Digital Poetry" will be
> published by Hatje Cantz to coincide with the exhibition, which will
> also
> feature an exhibition guide.
> p0es1s. Digitale Poesie is an exhibition by the literaturWERKstatt
> berlin
> in cooperation with the Bruckner-Kuhner Foundation and with support=

> from
> the Kunstbibliothek der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin (Art Library of
> the
> Berlin State Museums).
> Funded by the Kulturstifting des Bundes
> (Federal Cultural Foundation, Germany).
> Colloquium
> 13 February, 11 am - 6 pm
> Lecture room in the Museum of Applied Art
> Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz
> Entry: Matthaikirchplatz
> "Digital Poetry" - Generic Term or Curatorial Label?
> Does a generic term or a term used for orientation like "Digital
> Poetry"
> carry any aesthetic value, can artists following an entirely individual
> agenda identify themselves with it? Or is it merely a label for
> propaganda
> that enables curators to fit art into categories?
> Short statements by:
> Reinhard Dohl (D), Loss Pequeno Glazier (USA), Andre Vallias (BRA),=

> Simon
> Biggs (AUS/GB)
> The Function of Language in Media Art
> What role does language play in new media practice? Is it just one
> element
> amongst other different media being used - particularly with the
> computer
> as the integrative medium? Or is language of superior importance,
> especially with respect to the the basal languages of the computer? How
> does the use of language in media art relate to the tradition of
> language
> art or "the language of art"?
> Short statements by:
> Giselle Beiguelman (BRA), Romy Achituv (USA/ISR), Daniela Alina Plewe
> (D),
> Bill Seaman (USA)
> Intermezzo
> Presenetations:
> Philippe Bootz (F): ALIRE
> Loss Pequeno Glazier: The Electronic Poetry Center
> Zeitgenossen: Webfictions
> Johannes Auer: netzliteratur.net
> Screen Text vs. Source Text: The question of an "Adequate" Aesthetics
> of
> the Media
> How can digital poetry as language art in digital media deal with the
> demands to represent and reflect the specific mediality: by working in
> a
> "radical" or "concrete" way with programming languages and the codes
> they
> are based upon; or by focussing on an aesthetic of the screen which
> takes
> the perceptions and activities of the user as its point of departure?
> Short statements by:
> Jean-Pierre Balpe (F), Zeitgenossen (A), Florian Cramer (D)
> http://www.p0es1s.net/
> .©[lick].
> -
> -
> http://www.hotkey.net.au/~netwurker
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/netwurker/