Fwd: fAf: Latest and last ...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: linda carroli <[email protected]>
> Date: February 9, 2004 11:15:54 PM EST
> To: (Recipient list suppressed)
> Subject: fAf: Latest and last …
> fineArt forum v.18 n.02 2004
> fineArt forum = art + technology netnews
> http://www.fineartforum.org
> This issue:
> :: Latest and last fAf
> :: Call to the Community: Proposals for Continuation of fineArt forum
> :: News
> :: fAfText
> :: Latest and last fAf
> The current issue of fAf, now live, will be the last produced by the
> present Australian team of Paul Brown, Linda Carroli and Nisar
> Keshvani. Due to a number of setbacks and obstacles, the magazine has
> ceased its operations at QUT, Brisbane, Queensland. Without an
> appropriate level of resourcing fAf could not continue in its current
> form, context or locale. Rather than close down the publication after
> 17 years of consistent publishing in the field of arts, science and
> technology, the Art Science and Technology Network has issued a call
> for expressions of interest from organisations that are interested in
> publishing fAf.
> :: Call to the Community: Proposals for Continuation of fineArt forum
> As has been announced in this issue of fAf this is the last issue
> being produced by the Australian team. fineArt forum was set up by Ray
> Lauzzana in 1988 and has been operated by a number of organisations
> since then as a community resource under the umbrella of the "Art,
> Science, Technology Network" (ASTN) presided by Annick Bureaud.
> Organisations who may be interested in exploring ways to take on
> publishing of fineArt forum may contact Roger Malina at
> [email protected] indicating their possible interest.
> The ASTN takes this opportunity to thank Paul Brown, Linda Carroli,
> Nisar Keshvani and the whole Australian team for their many years of
> work sustaining fAf as an invaluable community resource.
> All back issues of fAf will be archived on the Leonardo Electronic
> Almanac website and will continue to be available. Other opportunities
> for archiving are also being sought.
> The art/science/technology landscape has changed dramatically over the
> past 15 years. It is likely that fAf needs to mutate to respond to
> real community needs today. We look forward to working with interested
> organisations in developing an new evolutionary niche for fAf.
> :: fAf Ezine is online
> News stories and announcements in Upfront online at
> http://www.fineartforum.org/Backissues/Vol_18/faf_v18_n02/
> upfront_index.html
> 2004 Events and Deadlines Calendar listings are online at
> http://www.fineartforum.org/Backissues/Vol_18/calendar_index.html
> :: fAfText
> [ ESSAYS ]
> Te[XT][C]hnology: A Play (on words) in FIVE ACTS
> Lisa Gye's presentation at Electrofringe in 2004 examines literary
> assassinations from Socrates to rap.
> Intimate Transactions
> A Quicktime documentary produced by Keith Armstrong exploring the
> interactions of artistic practice and research in the development of
> the Transmute Collective's current collaborative project, Intimate
> Transactions.
> ME++ The Cyborg self and the networked city: William J. Mitchell
> reviewed by Molly Hankwitz
> Computers & Art: edited by Stuart Mealing
> reviewed by Tracey Benson
> The Surrealestate Project: MOOT Records
> reviewed by Brett Woodward
> Designer's Bureau at Art Miami 2003: Kirill Chelushkin
> Selma Stern profiles Russian artist Kirill Chelushkin's recent works.
> Live art, Dead art, and Things in-between, Or, The Good Thing about
> Forgetting
> Josephine Wilson reviews Coded Characters: Media Art by Jill Scott
> Supporting the Evolution of Australian Design: Australian INfront
> report by Zoe Winter
> Li'l Elvis Jones and the Truckstoppers
> reviewed by Lisa Chittick
> Designer's Dream Portal: Digital Thread
> report by Zoe Winter
> Writing Machines: N. Katherine Hayles
> reviewed by Linda Carroli
> fAfText online at:
> http://www.fineartforum.org/Backissues/Vol_17/faf_v17_n12/reviews/
> reviews_index.html