Call for entries: Net Art from Northern European countries

Netart from Nordic (Northern European) countries
this new feature of
JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
(Java=Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs) <>
will be launched on occasion of
Pescara Electronic Art Meeting - PEAM 2004 - Pescara/Italy - May 2004
Call for entries:
Netart from Nordic (Northern European) countries
Deadline 31 March 2004
JavaMuseum will continue in its "3th of Java series" the features of netart
from particular cultural regions on the globe.
For May/June 2004, a feature exhibition will be prepared unter the working
title, "Netart from Nordic countries".
All artists, who work netbased and are born or
have their residency in one these countries
Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and the
Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
are invited to submit and participate.
All works to be submitted must have an URL of theirown.
All serious submissions will be included.
Deadline 31 March 2004
Please use following entry form for submitting:

1. firstname/name of artist, email, URL
2. a brief bio/CV (not more than 300 words)
3. title and URL of the max 3 projects/works,
4. a short work description for each work (not more than 300 words),
5. a screen shot for each submitted work (max 800x600 pixels, .jpg)

Deadline 31 March 2004
Please send your submission to
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

Visit also the show cases of

1. Lauched on 8 January 2004
Netart from Great Britain and Ireland <>

2. Online since 14 October 2003
"Perspectives'03" - competition and show 2003
and the winners of JavaArtist of the Year Award 2003
on <>

"I-Highway - Netart from Canada" on <http://www.javamuseumorg/2003/canadafeature/index.html>

4. "I-rivers" - Netart form German speaking countries
on <>

5. Update from Friday, 8 January 2004
"Current Positions of French Netart" on <>

"Current Positions of Italian Netart" on <>

"" - Netart from Latin American countries, Spain and
on <>

and much more on <>

JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
(Java=Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs) <>
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

is corporate member of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne
- the experimental platform for netbased art -
operating from Cologne/Germany.