Faces of Rio: Walking downtown / visible city



"You are my way

my wine, my vice

Safe harbor where I was born

my tobacco and my yoga

you are my drug

Passion and carnival"

Today, walking downtown, sunny day, blue sky I felt like the song.

Took lots of photos, selected some of them to show you:

1- Popular stores ready to Carnival

2- Cultural / Art Centers

3- Municipal Theater

4- National Library

and a surprise (to myself too) the Afoxe Filhos de Gandi (Afoxe Sons of Gan=
di) was just parading

to celebrate February 2nd, Yemanja Day….

You will see that the city is really the space of Art: the architecture of =
the old buildings, the colours, the joy of the parade!

Today I am showing the Visible City!

but I love both of them : Visible and Invisible…It is my way!

I decided to invite you this Monday to comemorate Yemanja!!! So that no rep=
ort next friday… ;-(


Warmest regards,
