Fwd: A Chance to Participate in the Largest Group Show on Earth.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Michele Thursz" <[email protected]>
> Date: Sun Jan 25, 2004 12:53:51 PM US/Eastern
> To: "Michele Thursz" <[email protected]>
> Subject: A Chance to Participate in the Largest Group Show on Earth.
> A Chance to Participate in the Largest Group Show on Earth.
> After Italy, Turkey, and Holland, artist Serkan Ozkaya's "What an Art
> Gallery Should Actually Look Like (Large Glass)" will be exhibited at
> Exit Art in New York City. We are looking for images of artworks from
> anybody interested in taking part in this
> project. All donated images will be included in the project up to the
> required 20,000 35mm slides, constituting an unofficial map of images
> from New York.
> "What an Art Gallery Should Actually Look Like (Large Glass)" will be
> included in Public.exe: Public Execution, an exhibition exploring how
> artists are redefining the definition, distribution, and reception of
> public art curated by Michele Thursz and Anne Ellegood and opening at
> Exit Art in June 2004.
> Please send slides to:
> Exit Art
> Attn: Public Execution/Big Glass
> 475 Tenth Avenue
> New York, NY 10018
> Deadline for submission: March 15, 2004
> Please be aware that slides will not be reviewed by the curators for
> future exhibition opportunities. And, slides will not be returned. The
> installation will be documented for possible publication.
> Participation is very much appreciated. Questions regarding the
> project can be sent to:
> [email protected]