[Fwd: call for artists - get published!]

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: call for artists - get published!
From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, January 21, 2004 6:24 pm
To: [email protected]
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You're receiving this email because I'm hoping you can help me locate
artists who do activist and/or socially relevant work, and who would like
some free exposure in a national publication! In These Times magazine is
bringing back their "art page" feature, and has asked me to help them find
work to fill it. (For those who don't know me, I'm an independent arts
and culture writer and editor based in Chicago.)

Work should be reproducible in a 2-dimensional, 8 x 11 (roughly) format.
It can be original work, or photographs/documentation of performances,
installations, interventions, etc. - anything of which you can provide a
digital image or slide.

For those unfamiliar, here is ITT's description of itself from its website

"In These Times is a national, biweekly magazine of news and opinion
published in Chicago. For 27 years, In These Times has provided
groundbreaking coverage of the labor movement, environment, feminism,
grassroots politics, minority communities and the media. In These Times
features award-winning investigative reporting about corporate malfeasance
and government wrongdoing, insightful analysis of national and
international affairs, and sharp cultural criticism about events and ideas
that matter."

If you are or know of artists or artist groups who might like to be
featured in this publication, please respond to or pass along this email
address, and please forward to anyone you think might be interested.

Thank you,
Kathryn Rosenfeld