Fwd: alpha 3.8 - Alaska

Begin forwarded message:

> From: tien_dangermuseum <[email protected]>
> Date: Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:13:20 PM US/Eastern
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: alpha 3.8 - Alaska
> ps. sorry for cross posting. Please forward to interested parties!
> ====================================
> * A website coming near you soon. *
> ======================================
> == alpha 3.8 Bulletin, issue 9, 19 Jan 2004 ==
> == < http://www.tsunamii.net > =====
> == edited by Tien ========
> ====================================
> * alpha 3.8: translocation commissioned by Gallery 9/Walker Art Centre
> through a grant from Jerome Foundation
> The alpha 3.8:translocation team wishes all of you A Happy Chinese New
> Year!
> Welcome to the alpha 3.8 Bulletin. This is a regular, free, email
> bulletin to inform you of the translocation of the tsunamii.net
> website, new additions to the site, news and
> writings related to the alpha 3.8 project. The bulletin is distributed
> every time the site is being translocated.
> # NEW: webserver Location
> The tsunamii.net website was translocation process started from the 5
> Jan 2004 and was finally able to translocate 7 Jan 2004.
> It is hosted on a web server in Alaska, USA after a short stint in
> Poland.
> www.tsunamii.net
> #Translocation Log:
> We would like to extend a word of thanks to an e-friend, szczym for
> the help and support with the Poland Server. He had been very helpful
> and hope we did not get him in
> trouble with his friends during the translocation in Poland.
> For those who did chance upon the site during this time(in the early
> part of Jan), tsunamii.net became a car sales site. There was
> something wrong with the DNS within the
> Polish server. We lost contact with the server people and decided not
> to wait. Then we decided to go onto Alaska…
> The Poland physical site was translocated at here —>>
> http://www.pilot.pl/> index.php3?Z_CITY_NAME=przymorze&form_t=1&#9001;=en
> #NEW: Plot a Traceroute
> You would need to download a client side program to execute the trace.
> There are three versions for Linux, Mac and Windows. Sorry for any
> inconvenience.
> GOTO: alpha 3.8: dedicated Traceroute.
> Plot + draw and find out…
> http://www.tsunamii.net/clients/
> #NEW: tsunamii.net is moving into a new studio in Perumal Road in the
> next few months to prepare for the alpha 3.8: translocation archive.
> If you wish to visit please let us
> know. Would be great to catch up.
> #Wanna discuss more on the alpha 3.8: translocation forum?Or discuss
> local situations / recommend servers / imagine countries.
> We have updated the forum since not much action has been on this
> forum, we made it one of the sub-categories.
> Meanwhile, we are opening the space for people to start their own
> discussions.
> http://www.tsunamiii.net/forum1/viewforum.php?f=3
> Related Links for alpha 3.8:
> Translocation : alpha 3.8 - http://www.fragnetics.com/articles/alpha38
> Walker Arts Center : http://www.walkerart.org/gallery9
> Server Suicide : alpha 3.5 Crush -
> http://www.fragnetics.com/projects/crush
> To unsuscribe please e-mail to [email protected]
> ==================================