Our Master voice

> nikola pilipovic wrote:
Wrong!MANIK wrote.
> Interesting .5 of Manik.
Well…Who wrote Nikola or MANIK?Sleepy river.
> Interesting .5 of Manik.
He is interested.He's awake… who know?
> Interesting .5 of Manik.
We don't understand this 5.English is not our language,especially jargon.
He wondered;"> So, what should be done to fix this or does it need to be
Typical Master's dilemma.But is Mr.River Master?Is he incarnation of
Rhizome_Raw,is Mr.River essence of that communication form?
Yes.He is.He can do something,he also can fixed things,only if he wish
to.But,is there something to be fixed in this magnificent world?
> Was it something I said or did not say?
Was is das?Mr.River slowly introduce us with his education.He speak
Deutsch,obviously.Is there anything he said or did not say to challenge our
He own Rhizome and every written word belong to him.Consequence is his
terribly responsibility for every letter on list.
No,Mark you never said anything important for us.But,it's not the end.
> Is it snowing tonight where you are?
Where we are…on Earth we suppose.But between us and Mr.River is other kind
of distance;relation which we could not describe in common terms.Between us
Belgrade(accidentally,destiny-desti-nation,stupid mistake in star
constellation,good luck…etc).So,if in America snowing it suppose to
happened same think in whole World.In Africa even.What a stupid question.We
are not child Mark.
> Seen those picture from Mars? (Dam, talk about expensive new media.)
No,we did not seen any picture from Mars.Our censored TV strongly take care
to hide those picture.Even if we see one,they told us it's desert Sahara,or
Nevada.We cant effort expensive new media,but we are so glad that USA
can.Our mighty Master own all fuckin expanses on SPACE.
> Seen any good art of late?
Dude,you want free lesson.No way.
> How's your art going?
He is so kind.Mr.River never seen MANIK's work on list and he ask for our
art.Don't ask.Learn!

> Are you completely disgusted with Bush? I sure the hell am.
No,I like him.I like to shit in bush and watch blue sky,snow,everything
Dear audience this 'question"is fools way to established general point for
possibly consensus.Ladies and gentleman,we are in occupation,our country is
banana republic,without any chance to see better future.After Albania we are
poorest country in Europe.America make that Serbs are worst scum on Earth.
We sell our so called"war criminals",export them to Hague for about
30,000.000$for one.Like pigs,expensive pigs.That's our income.That's our
economy and foreign politic.Of course we love our president Bush,our Senate
together with their always anti-Serbian attitude.
> What's new, in general?
See"Practical Handbook for beginners-nothing new"(that's on Rhizome_Raw)
Dear Mark,no doubt,you are god person but what about that?Something's
wrong.Environment?You are to lazy to think deeper than this way?
If we remember god, you use to wrote from time to time something
nice.Poem,or something.Or…It's other man?
Try to don't take all that personally.Same as we didn't.
Best wishes

—– Original Message —–
From: "M. River" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 1:04 AM

> nikola pilipovic wrote:
> >
> Interesting .5 of Manik.
> So, what should be done to fix this or does it need to be fixed?
> Was it something I said or did not say?
> Is it snowing tonight where you are?
> Seen those picture from Mars? (Dam, talk about expensive new media.)
> Seen any good art of late?
> How's your art going?
> Are you completely disgusted with Bush? I sure the hell am.
> What's new, in general?
> +
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