Prix Ars Electronica 2004 is open for entries

> From: Ars Electronica Center <[email protected]>
> Date: Fri Jan 16, 2004 3:37:38 AM US/Eastern
> Subject: Prix Ars Electronica 2004 is open for entries
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Prix Ars Electronica 2004 is open for entries and starts with a new
> category and an Art and Technology Grant
> It is the 18th editition of the foremost International Competition for
> CyberArts. The Prix Ars Electronica will be awarded in the following
> categories:
> Computer Animation / Visual Effects
> Digital Musics
> Interactive Art
> Net Vision
> Digital Communities
> To mark Ars Electronica's 25th anniversary in 2004, it is being
> expanded to include a "Digital Communities" domain dedicated to social
> developments of great current relevance and the art and technology
> grant [the next idea] art and technology grant.
> Digital Communities
> "Digital Communities" encompasses the wide-ranging social consequences
> of the Internet as well as the latest developments in the domain of
> mobile communications and wireless networks. "Digital Communities"
> will spotlight bold and inspired innovations impacting human
> coexistence, bridging the digital divide regarding gender as well as
> geography, or creating outstanding social software and enhancing
> accessibility of technological-social infrastructure. This new
> category will showcase the political potential of digital and
> networked systems and is thus designed as a forum for a broad spectrum
> of projects, programs, initiatives and phenomena in which social
> innovation is taking place, as itwere, in real time.
> [the next idea] art and technology grant
> Discovering ideas for tomorrow in young minds today is the aim of this
> grant and focusing on the intersection of art and technology. The
> category's target group includes students at universities, art
> schools, technical schools, and other educational institutions as well
> as creatives from all over the world, aged 19-27, who have developed
> as-yet-unproduced concepts in the fields of media art, media design or
> media technology. The winner receives a grant in the amount of 7,500
> Euro and will be invited to spend a term as Researcher and Artist in
> Residence at the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
> Detailed information about the Prix Ars Electronica 2004 at
> Subscribe now at:
> Entry Deadline: March 12th, 2004
> Sponsoring and Support
> SAP, Telekom Austria and voestalpine are the Sponsors of the 2004 Prix
> Ars Electronica. The competition is made possible through the support
> of the City of Linz and the Province of Upper Austria.
> Prix Ars Electronica is supported by: OKS Osterreichischer
> Kultur-Service, Postlingbergschloss'l, Sony DADC, Spring, KLM
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