FWD: New CLUI newsletter online

The latest issue of The Center for Land Use
newsletter "The Lay of the Land" is now online:


Winter 2003 Contents:

Margins in Our Midst
A Journey Into Irwindale

Farm Animals View of Farm Displayed
In the Exhibit "Live Stock Footage By Livestock"

Detailed Dirt Exposed at CLUI Los Angeles
Photographs of the Ground Featured in Exhibit

Cultural Exchange Through Bombing Program
A Joint UK/USA Production

Reports from the CLUI Interpretive District Field

The Best Dead Mall?
A Photographic Documentation and Indefinite

Editorial Commentary

Book Reviews


If you do not currently receive a print copy and would
like to,
a minimum donation of $25 will get you on the hard
copy mailing list.
You can do so at:
Click on "donate"

In addition the Land Use Database has many new site

Thank you for your continued interest in the Center.


The CLUI Los Angeles Exhibit Hall is open noon to five
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, or by appointment.
Admission is free.


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