—————————- Original Message —————————-
From: "Elana Rubinfeld" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, December 30, 2003 1:07 pm

Please find following the updated listings release for the exhibition .mov
which will be on view at Eyebeam, Chelsea, from January 8 to January 24,
2004. The opening reception will be on Thursday, January 8, 6-8pm.

We hope that you will be able to join us for the opening and list this
exhibition. Please feel free to contact Antoine or myself at 212-
675-1800 for additional information and/or images. Also please find
attached a low resolution picture of Albert Yu's work entitled Into the
Air's Memory for your reference.

Happy New Year,

Elana Rubinfeld
Blue Medium

For Immediate Listing

Media Contacts:
Antoine Vigne/ Elana Rubinfeld
Blue Medium, Inc.
Tel: (212) 675-1800
Email: [email protected]

Eyebeam presents
Works from the Moving Image Division Studios
Featuring Isaac Julien, Fred Wilson and the 2003 Production Artists
January 8 - 24, 2004
Opening Reception Thursday, January 8, 6-8pm

New York, NY, December 30, 2003