
We'd been at sea for 18 days.
Out of food, and the water was bad.
Imagine the relief we felt when the seaplane flew overhead.
Imagine our distress when it failed to see us.
We left Goa on the 29th of November, looking for a new haven.
So many years on the beach, smoking , drinking, snorting and hitting up. But the fundementalists had sought us out, looking for Americans to kill.
SO idyllic but now the Christians were looking for broken Christians, and we were all broken.
It's an odd place, and the times had taken a strange turn for the worse. What once was complete freedom had become a grave in waiting.
Well opposites attract.


, Eric Dymond

It was Bohpal that sent everyone scrambling.
Jaques the Canadian was seeing GOA as a new experimental zone and Amy had closed her seaside bar because the raves were getting violent.
All these fears had sent us out to sea, maybe headed for the Maldives, but at this point in time, at this particular place in the Indian Ocean, we were lost, and running out of food. Chistmas has come and gone, and no land is in site.
We named our boat the Union Carbide, maybe it was just bad Karma.
This night, the sky is a violet blue, the stars are pure gold, like a Max Fliescher cartoon, but we're not laughing.
Hopefully landfall will come tomorrow.

, Eric Dymond

still no land in sight.

, Eric Dymond

Amy has been steering the boat. We asked her where she was headed and she just says "to the right of the sun".
The eurotech guy , Gunther, tells us we should land on Ile de Maurice soon.
I hope he's right.

, Eric Dymond

Exhausted and out of water we saw land today.
Sadly, we made landfall back in GOA.
We can't escape.