Fwd: runme.org news on the next READ_ME

Begin forwarded message:

> From: olga goriunova <[email protected]>
> Date: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:55:32 AM US/Eastern
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: runme.org news on the next READ_ME
> Reply-To: olga goriunova <[email protected]>
> Dear all!
> Below is the info on the conference we'll have as a part of the next
> READ_ME software art festival (last week of August 2004, Aarhus,
> Denmark).
> If you're into writing, consider submitting a text yourself <> If not,
> forward it to your friend, colleague, mailing list - or any entity
> that might be interested <>
> And more info on Runme-Dorkbot city camp (yes!) will follow later in
> January.
> Thanks and Cheers!
> And Happy Christmas and New Year!
> Olga
> ————————————————————-
> READ_ME 2004
> software art festival
> /
> /
> Software Art and Cultures Runme-Dorkbot
> conference city camp
> ————————————————————-
> The third edition of the Read_Me software art festival will be held at
> the end of August 2004 in Aarhus, Denmark. Read_me 2004 will consist
> of the conference at Aarhus University and the city camp organized by
> two friendly entities: Runme.org and Dorkbot. The conference and the
> city camp will be held consecutively.
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> This is an announcement concerning the Software Art and Cultures
> conference. The information on the Runme-Dorkbot city camp will follow
> later.
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Software Art and Cultures conference aims to provide an opportunity
> for people researching software art and culture to share their
> findings. The art movement known by the name "software art" has been
> active for a few years, and similar phenomena under different names
> have been developed and researched for a few decades. It is our belief
> that there is a sufficient body of thinking in this and related areas
> taking place that there should be a platform for aiding further
> discovery and enrichment.
> Software art is a practice that regards software as a cultural
> phenomenon that defines one of the significant aspects of our lives
> today. Thus, software is not regarded as an invisible layer, but
> rather as a significant entity contributing to reproduction or change
> of certain orders, whether aesthetic, cultural, social or political.
> Software art creatively questions and redefines software and its ways
> of functioning.
> Software art embraces a wide range of practices: from formalist
> experiments with code and its execution to software manipulation that
> does not require any specific knowledge, from alternative tools built
> from scratch to add-ons and deconstructions, from real software to
> projects not written in programming languages at all, but which deal
> with issues relevant to software criticism or culture. Software art
> deals with a wide range of topics, including social, political, and
> aesthetic issues. In many cases, it addresses and becomes part of
> software culture itself.
> Software cultures - cultures generated by programmers, designers and
> software users - are generous sources of thinking on digital culture
> and society. Software cultures define the way software is created and
> functions, thus influencing the composition and function of the basic
> infrastructures of digital society. In this way, software cultures
> become inseparable (though largely underestimated) from the forms
> digital work, social institutions and cultural manifestations take
> today. Software cultures initiate social change, act in political
> spheres, create and discover new artistic realms and methodologies.
> The conference encourages participation of specialists in various
> disciplines: multi-disciplinary researchers including non-academics,
> art theorists, and other thinkers and learners interested in the
> effects of software and software cultures on art, culture, and society
> - and in ways to analyze them and challenge existing patterns.
> |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> This is a call for submissions of abstracts (up to 2500 characters).
> Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit the full paper
> before 1 of June, 2004 (up to 25000 characters) and present it during
> the conference. The papers will be published prior to the conference.
> We aim to provide grants for travel and lodging for speakers without
> institutional backing.
> Deadline for abstracts: 1 of March, 2004
> Deadline for notification of acceptance: 1 of April, 2004
> Abstracts may be submitted to: Olga Goriunova <[email protected]> and
> Soeren Pold <[email protected]>
> |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> Organized by: Read_Me, Digital Aesthetics Research Centre
> (www.digital-aestetik.dk) (Aarhus University), Det Jyske Kunstakademi
> (The Jutland Academy of Fine Arts), Runme.org, Dorkbot.
> Supported by: IT-Vest, Aarhus Kommune