Wired News: Copyright Doesn't Cover This Site

This article covers the U of Maine project called the Pool.
(http://river.asap.um.maine.edu/~jon/pool/splash.html (yikes! skip
intro, gotta give those undergrads something to do I guess))

**Dang** it doesn't work in Safari either, only Gecko browsers…

anyway, the project is pretty cool (tho it needs some interface
improvements IMHO).


I'm not sure if I would have taken my powerbook to the edge of the
diving board…


John Ippolito and Joline Blai (both quoted in the article) spoke on a
well-attended panel recently at eyebeam
(http://www.eyebeam.org/forum/lecture.html). The panel also included
Larry Lessig (whose presentation was very good, more:
