interview with Giselle Bieguelman

Interview with Giselle Bieguelman
by kanarinka


from Bieguelman's website
Giselle Beiguelman is a new media artist and multimedia essayist who teaches Digital Culture at the Graduation Program in Communication and Semiotics of PUC-SP (Sao Paulo, Brazil). Her work includes the award-winning "The Book after the Book" (1999) "Content = No Cache" (2000), nominated for the Trace/ Alt-X New Media Competition, and "Recycled" (2001).

kanarinka: I became interested in Giselle Bieguelman's work after reading about her project poetrica [] in which people from around the world send messages via the web, SMS, and WAP to be displayed on large advertising billboards in Sao Paulo. My questions to Bieguelman center around the fascinating way her projects break down fixed notions of space (such as public private real virtual) and her projects' connections to everyday activities like reading, writing, and travelling through your daily environment (which for many of us is urban and saturated with advertising messages).


kanarinka: It looks like you began working with the internet first as a poet and that you have recently moved into creating large-scale public installations where people submit text messages via the internet for
display in public places. Could you describe how/why you shifted from
net.based poetry to net. based public installation?

Bieguelman: I don