Leonardo Announces SpaceartS: The Space and the Arts Database

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Melinda Klayman <[email protected]>
> Date: Fri Dec 5, 2003 4:48:33 PM US/Eastern
> To: LEO Promo <[email protected]>
> Subject: Leonardo Announces SpaceartS: The Space and the Arts Database
> Leonardo Announces SpaceartS: The Space and the Arts Database
> http://www.spacearts.info
> Leonardo/OLATS and the Ours Foundation have joined forces to create a
> database about space art documenting the works of artists who, since
> the
> mid-19th Century, have taken outer space as a theme, subject, or
> object for
> their creations. When completed, this database will host over a
> thousand
> entries. Artists are invited to submit their work for inclusion in the
> database. Entry forms to submit your artworks are available online at
> www.spacearts.info.
> The SpaceartS database project is funded by the European Space Agency
> and is
> co-sponsored by the International Academy of Astronuatics; Advisors to
> the
> project include:
> * IAAA (International Association ofAstronomical Artists) -
> www.iaaa.org
> * MIR, aninternational consortium of institutions with space art
> activites.
> MIRincludes: Leonardo/OLATS, Arts Catalyst, V2, Projekt Atol
> (Slovenia),
> andthe Multimedia Complex of Actual Art (Russia).
> * Maisond'Ailleurs/Museum of Science Fiction, Yverdon - www.ailleurs.ch
> For 35 years Leonardo has documented the work of artists involved in
> space
> exploration; It has co-sponsored 6 Space and the Arts workshops and
> promoted
> the interaction of artists, scientists, and engineers involved in
> space. The
> SpaceartS database can be found at http://www.spacearts.info . Further
> information can be found at: Leonardo/OLATS : Space Arts Workshops
> documentation at http://www.olats.org/setF3.html or Leonardo/ISAST:
> Space
> Arts Working Group at
> http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/Leonardo/spaceart/space.html