Re: Prix Ars Electronica new category

Wow – that is incredibly interesting. What does it mean to treat a
collective, fanbase, etc., as an art thing to be rewarded? Seems to me
to indicate that Ars is progressive enough to reward tactics and
methods, as opposed to just objects. Thanks for posting this! – Rachel

On Friday, December 5, 2003, at 12:50 PM, Pau Waelder wrote:

> The Ars Electronica organisation has created a new Prix Ars
> Electronica category under the name "Digital Communities". This
> category has been created to focus on the impact that the new
> technologies have in contemporary society (through Flash Mobs, Fan
> Communities, eGovernment sites and so).
> The new category will be presented in a Press Conference on Wednesday,
> December 17th 2003 at:
> RadioKulturhaus ORF Kulturcafe, Argentinierstrasse 30a, 1040 Wien
> Full text of the press invitation below (in German)