terrorism / deconstruction of the body

I am doing some research for an essay about the artist' search of the body and I have a whole section on the deconstruction of the body by artist.
I am trying to find as many examples as possible to illustrate this idea and am looking for examples of artists / body artists / performance artists whose work deals with terrorism and the deconstruction of the body.
It would be great if you could help me out.
thanks a million


, ryan griffis

Hi julien,
you've probably already got chris burden and vito acconci for older examples…
subRosa's work on gendered bodies and reproductive tech may be useful http://www.cyberfeminism.net
and julia scher's "securityland"
the experimental interaction unit
that's all i have, hope it helps… good luck.

> Hi
> I am doing some research for an essay about the artist' search of the
> body and I have a whole section on the deconstruction of the body by
> artist.
> I am trying to find as many examples as possible to illustrate this
> idea and am looking for examples of artists / body artists /
> performance artists whose work deals with terrorism and the
> deconstruction of the body.
> It would be great if you could help me out.
> thanks a million
> Julien