AVM News December 2003 - 1 December World AIDS DAY

1 December 2003 - WORLD AIDS DAY
The month December is dedicated to the victims of AIDS
A Virtual Memorial -
Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity
New Media art project by Agricola de Cologne
Table of Contents:
a) Call for entries
b) News
c) Features of the month December 2003
a) Call for entries:
Rainforest Memorial -
5 minutes before 12 - Memorial for the protection and preservation of the
natural environment on Earth and its inhabitans
Launch of the opening of this ongoing project:
3 December 2003
The deadline is ongoing —->
New art works are accepted now at any time —->
Please find the complete text and the entry form on
start page of www.a-virtual-memorial.org

b) News in December
1. Call for artists submissions for "My Mission".
More details on
Meanwhile 50 artists' statements could be added.

Since 30 September, the new show
"{self}_representation 2003,
a co-operation with Le Musee di-visioniste
is online on www.le-musee-divisioniste.org or
including 250 artists from 40 countries

2. [NewMediaArtprojectNetwork] :||cologne,
received a prize in the categoy Net/Zin
on MAD'03 - Experimental Art Festival Madrid (Spain)
24 October-14 November

4. En ed http://www.nmartproject.net/agricola/mpc/volume6/encoded.html ( a net based work originating from A Virtual Memorial) http://w3art.es/maem/ (needs DSL Internet connection) participated in MAEM Festival Madrid-Mostoles(Spain) 4/5 November 2003 ESTAMPA Art Fair Madrid (Spain) 26-30 November 2003 ********************************** New month - new subject ********************************** c) ***Features of the Month The month December 2003 is dedicated to to the Victims of AIDS Memorial days in December 2003 International Year of Fresh Water 01 December 2003 - World AIDS DAY 03 December 2003 - International Day of Disabled Persons 08 December 1941 - Destruction Camp Celmno (Poland) opened 10 December 2003 - Human Rights Day 29 December 2003 - International Day for Biological Diversity *The Features of the Month are monthly changing collections of multimedia works and links which form in the totality of the composition an artwork of theirown to be created on a webpage of theirown within the Memorial project.* ************************************************* Subject of the Month: What is positive to be positive? Intro: Karposi Park Just Positive! - 4 HIV positive artists Featured Project - Memorial f/ Victims of AIDS Protection 1 - Artists with Aids Protection 2 - AIDS & Women Protection 3 - AIDS & Children Protection 4 - AIDS & Human Rights Protection 5 - AIDS & Medicine Protection 6 - Jason's Legacy Witnesses of Eternity - Siena ***************************************** Until the next time all the best, Wilfried Agricola de Cologne [email protected] www.a-irtual-memorial.org Memorial project against the Forgetting and for Humanity - ongoing New Media art project by Agricola de Cologne A short description as PDF file for free download from http://www.a-virtual-memorial.org/downloads/pdf/pdf.htm Optimized for 1024x768 VGA resolution, latest browser versions of MS Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera soundcard, Flash 7 required ***************************************** A Newsletter is a free InformationService of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork] :||cologne [email protected] [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork] :||cologne -the experimental platform net based art - copyright