JVB FTAA Report on web

FTAA Report on web

>>Police violence at Miami FTAA protest
>>Mayor says repression was a "model for homeland security"
>>Tens of thousands of demonstrators who came to Miami last week to
>>protest the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) ministerial
>>meetings met with police harassment, provocation, and brutality. More
>>than 100 protesters were treated for injuries, 12 were hospitalized
>>and an estimated 250 were arrested. The Bush administration provided
>>$8.5 million to back up local police against protesters.
>>Miami Activists Defense (MAD), a rapidly assembled group of attorneys
>>from the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) and legal workers from Midnight
>>Special, a mass demonstration support group that arose out of the
>>World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, along with other
>>groups, assembled in Miami a week or so before the ministerial
>>meetings to provide demonstrators with legal support. MAD members
>>field phone calls, provide referrals for legal representation, attend
>>bail and court hearings, and post helpful information on the Internet.
>>Expressing alarm over the police tactics, Laura Raymond, the NLG
>>student organizer on the Miami protest who is working with MAD,
>>cited "brutality, beatings and such