Fwd: tsunamii.net translocated from Beijing to Mongolia.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: [email protected]
> Date: Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:32:23 PM US/Eastern
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: tsunamii.net translocated from Beijing to Mongolia.
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Media art collective, tsunamii.net is in the process of their current
> project alpha 3.8: translocation.
> In this work, the tsunamii.net website will be hosted in a different
> geographical location every two weeks.
> alpha 3.8: translocation currently hosted in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
> Catch it before it leaves for the next country/city.
> Visit the website coming near you @>
> www.tsunamii.net
> yours
> tien
> tsunamii.net
> To unsubscribe-e-mail: [email protected]
> =======================================================================
> ===================================
> About the alpha 3.8:
> The project attempts to host the tsunamii.net website on webservers in
> a round the world journey. tsunamii.net engages in the process of
> negotiating with the different local
> Internet Service Providers and sometimes ISPs/Telcos of the respective
> governments, to host their website. This web journey started from
> Singapore (31st March 2003) and
> will 'hop' around the world and return to Singapore in the period of
> one year.
> In addition to translocating of the tsunamii.net website, tsunamii.net
> will also build an archive which includes the documentation on the
> entire process for this project as well
> as relevant information about the Internet landscape of the countries
> which the website has "visited". At the end of this web journey,
> tsunamii.net will present the alpha 3.8:
> archive in an exhibtion.
> alpha 3.8 is part of tsunamii.net's "alpha series".
> Experience 'alpha 3.8':
> http://www.tsunamii.net
> Participate by drawing your line from your location, Plot a traceroute
> (The plots will be part of a timelapse video):
> http://www.tsunamii.net/clients/index.htm
> * alpha 3.8: translocation commissioned by Gallery 9/Walker Art Centre
> through a grant from Jerome Foundation *
> * Technical support through Team Fragnetics *
> * With server support from MagicNet.MN*
> =======================================================================
> ====================================