images of today's Stop Bush demo in london

A few images ( of varying quality!) of today's
brilliant demo in London, the largest ever in Britain
on a working day at some 150,000 to 200,000 strong
(even the cops were admitting 110,000 by the end)

The march was fantastically diverse age, race and
religion wise -with, notably, a substantial contingent
of US expats.
The Union banner of the London cab drivers visible in
one of the early pics should give the lie to the
"usual suspects" argument - anyway if there are
200,000 of the usual suspects available on a weekday
then Blair is in even deeper shit than we might
previously have thought.
Ron Kovic, the Vietnam Vet on whom 'Born on the 4th of
July' is based, led off the countdown to the toppling
of the statue of Bush.
Unfortunately we were too far to the back to witness
this -it was over when we got to Trafalgar Square
having taken three hours to cover the 3 miles route.

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