Temporary Travel Office postcard response

As part of the Temporary Travel Office installed in
YOUgenics 2.0, gallery visitors were given the
opportunity to fill out postcards addressed to various
institutional leaders in the "life sciences" industry,
mostly in the Missouri region. The cards also
solicited a response from the recipients, directing
them to the YOUgenics web site and email address.
There are low expectations for responses, but the
first one just came in from Dave Moskowitz MD, of
GenoMed, Inc in St. Louis, MO. Not very eventful, but
here it is. Feel free to look up the GenoMed website
and find what it is that makes Dr. Moskowitz's "views
are unlike those of any other biotech or pharma CEO I
know of." And, please let me know when you figure that

Dear Yougenics,

I received one of your postcards, addressed to the
first company I founded, DzGenes, LLC. I have since
founded a public company, GenoMed, Inc., and have
an even stronger reason to share my views about
medical genomics with the public. As a practicing
physician, my views are unlike those of any other
biotech or pharma CEO I know of.

Sincerely yours,

Dave Moskowitz MD
David W. Moskowitz, MD, MA (Oxon.), FACP
Chairman, CEO and Chief Medical Officer
GenoMed, Inc.

website: www.genomedics.com
ticker symbol: GMED (on OTC Pinksheets)

909 S. Taylor Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
tel. 314-977-0110
FAX 314-754-9772
cell phone 314-378-7864
email: [email protected]

YOUgenics 2.0 http://www.yougenics.net

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