New Essay and Interview on Furthercritic

New essay on recent works by Ricardo Miranda Zuniga
and short interview on
Information in the Expanded Field: a Case Study by
Ryan Griffis
Short conversation on online/offline work with Ricardo
Miranda Zuniga

Ricardo Miranda Zuniga grew up between Nicaragua, the
country that both his parents are from where he spent
his childhood summers, and San Francisco, the city to
which his parents immigrated. Although his formal
education has been within the borders of the United
States, his personal perspectives and ideology have
been molded by a bicultural reality, a reality
consisting of such polar elements as Disneyland and
the Nicaraguan Leftist Revolutionary movement, led by
the Sanidinistas. This bicultural upbringing tied to a
multidisciplinary education has led to a practice that
attempts to cultivate interaction with the viewer
beyond passive contemplation. The principle behind the
work is communication as a creative process.
Over the last four years Ricardo has explored a number
of themes such as urbanization, immigration, and the
location of culture. Each theme is investigated
through the lens of economics - in order to present a
critical perspective of how economic realities
formulate not only the world we live in, but more
importantly the lives we lead.

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