The GNU/Linux Art Farm

Here's an easy question: Who won the first prize Golden Nica award, in the
Prix Ars Electronica's .net category? The penguin is a BIG hint! If you
answered Linus Torvalds, GNU/Linux, and its 1000+ creators, pat yourself on
the back… you are art and technology-aware. Was this an award for art?
Yes? Uh, oh… wrong answer!


, ryan griffis

was this an award for business?

> Here's an easy question: Who won the first prize Golden Nica award, in
> the
> Prix Ars Electronica's .net category? The penguin is a BIG hint! If
> you
> answered Linus Torvalds, GNU/Linux, and its 1000+ creators, pat
> yourself on
> the back… you are art and technology-aware. Was this an award for
> art?
> Yes? Uh, oh… wrong answer!