Microsoft Offers Reward to Stop Viruses

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Associated Press
Microsoft Offers Reward to Stop Viruses
Wednesday November 5, 12:43 pm ET
By Ted Bridis, AP Technology Writer
Microsoft Announces Creation of $5 Million Reward
Program to Fight Illegal Computer Viruses

WASHINGTON (AP) – Microsoft Corp. announced Wednesday
it is creating a $5 million reward program to help law
enforcement identify and convict those who illegally
release worms, viruses and other types of malicious
programs on the Internet.
Microsoft said the first two rewards it will offer
will be for information leading to the arrest and
conviction of those responsible for the spread of the
MSBlast.A worm and the SoBig virus unleashed earlier
this year.

The company offered $250,000 rewards for each.

Those two malicious programs attacked computers that
ran Microsoft's Windows operating system and caused
widespread problems for companies and home users
earlier this year.

Microsoft executives made the announcement, flanked by
representatives of the FBI, Secret Service and
Interpol international police agency. Residents of any
country are eligible for the rewards, officials said.

"The malicious distribution of worms and viruses …
are far from victimless crimes," said Keith Lourdeau,
acting deputy assistant director of the FBI Cyber
Division. He noted that Internet attacks have cost
businesses and home users millions of dollars, with
some estimates putting it into the billions.

Microsoft's software has been the target of the most
serious Internet attacks over the last two years, and
company founder Bill Gates has announced a
"trustworthy computing" initiative to focus on
improving the security of all of Microsoft's products.

Also, Interpol, an international law enforcement
organization, will play a critical role in the program
by helping the world's police forces to share

The role of Interpol is particularly important because
the Microsoft initiative is a global one – a
cybercrime that endangers national infrastructure and
individuals worldwide.

"Interpol is particularly interested in fighting the
malicious spreading of viruses because this represents
truly borderless crime that requires a truly global
response, a global collaboration between police and
private industry," said a statement by Interpol
Secretary General Ronald K. Noble in Lyon, France.

"This Microsoft reward program is an opportunity to
continue building effective relationships between the
world's police and the private sector in order to
prevent and prosecute cybercrime," it said.

"While some might consider certain cybercrime offenses
to be little more than mischief, they actually
threaten the physical security of all of those who
rely on technology in their lives," said Peter Nevitt,
Interpol's Director of Information Systems and


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