interactive arts festival seeks participants

> From: "Andrew M. Andrews III" <[email protected]>
> Date: Tue Nov 4, 2003 2:13:46 PM US/Eastern
> To: "Rachel Greene" <[email protected]>
> Artsy-Fartsy Festival is an open community of creators and fans of
> interactive/ participatory art. We're looking for like-minded,
> fun-loving
> people to exhibit installations, volunteer, and/or simply attend our
> premiere event this January.
> Please visit our website at:
> If you would like to participate, please submit the short, easy form
> on the
> "Get Involved" page to express your interest. Please also pass this
> message
> along to anyone you know who might be at all interested. Thanks!
> Peace,
> Andrew M. Andrews III
> Artsy-Fartsy Festival