AVM News - November 2003

November 2003

A Virtual Memorial -
Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity
New Media art project by Agricola de Cologne

**Hot Memory page**
features this month
Shilpa Gupta (India) and her net based project
Table of Contents:
a) Call for entries
b) News
c) Features of the month November 2003
a) Call for entries:
Rainforest Memorial -
5 minutes before 12 - Memorial for the protection and preservation of the
natural environment on Earth and its inhabitans
Deadline 28 November for being included on 1 December
Please find the complete text and the entry form on
start page of www.a-virtual-memorial.org

Rainforest Memorial will be included in the
new global networking project "[R][R][F] 2004 -
initiated by A Virtual Memorial -
which will start on Biennale de Paris 2004 in February 2004
and will be operating until the end of 2004.

b) News in November
1. Call for artists submissions for "My Mission".
More details on

Since 30 September, the new show
"{self}_representation 2003,
a co-operation with Le Musee di-visioniste
is online on www.le-musee-divisioniste.org or
including 250 artists from 40 countries

2. [NewMediaArtprojectNetwork] :||cologne,
[R]-[R]-[F] Festival www.newmediafest.org/rrf/
Version 1.0 of the new festival environment of A Virtual Memorial
Violence Online Festival www.newmediafest.org/violence
are participating in MAD'03 - Experimental Art Festival Madrid (Spain)

3.. "Hot Memory " page features this month again another artist
who is accepted to participate in future versions of [R]-[R]-[F] Festival
but is still waiting. This feature will help to abbreviate the time of

Shilpa Gupta (India) and her net based work "diamondsandyou.co"
Entrance on www.a-virtual-memorial.org

4. En ed http://www.nmartproject.net/agricola/mpc/volume6/encoded.html ( a net based work originating from A Virtual Memorial) participates in MAEM Festival Madrid-Mostoles(Spain) http://w3art.es/maem/ (needs DSL Internet connection) 5. Urban.early sunday morning_raw http://www.nmartproject.net/agricola/mpc/volume6/urban.html ( a net based work originating from A Virtual Memorial) is participating in *Nth ArtExhibitit.001 - Nth Art Collective London/UK - www.nth-art.org and *Moving Media Multiplicator Vienna (Austria) - www.mmm.ok.ag ********************************** New month - new subject ********************************** c) ***Features of the Month The month November 2003 is dedicated to to the Victims of State Terror Memorial days in November 2003 International Year of Fresh Water 04 November 1995 - Yitzak Rabbin assassinated 07 November 1917 - Begin October Revolution Russia 09 November 1938 - Kristall Nacht - Night of Broken Glass 09 November 1989 - Fall of Berlin Wall 16 November 2003 - International Day of Tolerance *The Features of the Month are monthly changing collections of multimedia works and links which form in the totality of the composition an artwork of theirown to be created on a webpage of theirown within the Memorial project.* ************************************************* Subject of the Month: A never ending nightmare - Commemorating the Victims of State Terror Camp1 - Artist of the Month –> Raquel Partnoy Camp2 - Project of the Month –> Memorial for the Victims of <state>Terror Camp3 –> Elie Wiesel speeches Camp4 –> Night of Broken Glass Camp5 –> 54 Synagogues Camp6 –> Gulag - an instument of state terror Camp7 –> Genocide - a result of state terror Camp8 –> Degenerated Artist - Felix Nussbaum Camp9 –> Terezin Camp10 –> Mortabene Camp11 –> Lodz - Witnesses of Eternity ***************************************** Until the next time all the best, Wilfried Agricola de Cologne [email protected] www.a-irtual-memorial.org Memorial project against the Forgetting and for Humanity - ongoing New Media art project by Agricola de Cologne A short description as PDF file for free download from http://www.a-virtual-memorial.org/downloads/pdf/pdf.htm Optimized for 1024x768 VGA resolution, latest browser versions of MS Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera soundcard, Flash 6 required ***************************************** A Newsletter is a free InformationService of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork] :||cologne [email protected] [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork] :||cologne -the experimental platform net based art - copyright