that mercury pause

I guard jealously the morsels
of intimacy left me. A force
spreads light across our faces,

but I don't know what it is
or where it comes from. When

you call me the morning after
I call you so late, so shattered
and afraid, threading that needle

that pricks fear into anger,
EVERYTHING flutters. Now

I toss love off to the corners,
dazed and slow, crying
for fear it die in us, and

most of all I want to kiss you,
taste again that mercury pause

that is your lips in a world of shouting.
If there is a him, if you forget
on a Saturday night or don't want

to lie under the billowing
marshes of loving me,

I spend that Saturday alone.
I feel hot and wakeful with splashes.


associate editor, _sidereality


tubulence artist studio:

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