Kunstkritikerverband_AICA_zeichnet__"Games._Compu terspiele_von_Kunstlern"_aus

> From: Tilman Baumgartel <[email protected]>
> Date: Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:13:01 AM US/Eastern
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Kunstkritikerverband AICA zeichnet "Games. Computerspiele
> von Kunstlern" aus
> Hallo!
> Unsere Ausstellung "Games. Computerspiele von Kunstlern", die ich
> zusammen mit den guten Menschen von hARTware in Dortmund kuratiert
> habe, ist von der AICA zur "besonderen Ausstellung" des Jahres gekurt
> worden. Anbei die DPA-Meldung.
> Weitere Informationen zur Ausstellung unter:
> http://www.hartware-projekte.de/programm/inhalt/games.htm
> Gruesse,
> Tilman Baumgaertel
> ——————————————————-
> - english version -
> Hi!
> Our Exhibiton "Games. Computerspiele von KunstlerInnen", which was
> curated by Medien Kunst Verein hARTware and moi in Dortmund, was
> awarded a honorary mention by the german chapter of the art critic's
> orgainzation AICA. (Actually it is better than a honorary mention, but
> I do not know how to translate "besondere Ausstellung" (special
> exhibition?)). The other title as "exhibition of the year" went to the
> exhibiton "Kunst der DDR" (Art of the GDR) in Berlin.
> The jury pointed out that they especially wanted to recognize the work
> of hARTware-founders and -curators Iris Dressler und Hans D. Christ,
> because of their highquality "in an area that the art world does not
> pay much attention to."
> More information on the show at:
> http://www.hartware-projekte.de/programm/inhalt/games.htm
> Yours,
> Tilman Baumgaertel
> ——————————————————-