Peter Greenaway - a personal history of Uranium

Posted Oct 18 2003 on
The Bomb Project WEBLOG'04252453&msgid4663&mode=

[topic suggested by neil jenkins]


Peter Greenaway - a personal history of Uranium
the tulse luper network media projects

Media projects of the Tulse luper network
The Tulse Luper Network concerns several larger productions in the whole
scope of the Tulse Luper Suitcases. At least five media are used in the
project: feature films, DVDs, the Internet, book publications and
television. Further, some parts of the project will be staged as
theatrical plays and an online game is currently being developed. The
Tulse Luper Suitcases project will culminate in a traveling exhibition,
starting in February 2005 in Berlin. Marc Thelosen of Rotterdam based
company …Math… is coordinator of the different media projects.

To realize this vast project we are creating a network,the Tulse Luper
Network. In this network people and organizations will co-operate together
to realize most, if not all, challenges this project offers. The main
office the Kasander Filmcompany resides in Rotterdam, and will
coordinate and initiate proceedings in at least two other offices; in
Leipzig and in Rome. There are plans for additional offices in Europe and
world wide. The Tulse Luper Offices will work closely with local
educational institutes to enable students to make their contribution to
the projects.

The large scope of the Tulse Luper Network will not just allow students to
work as trainees for the projects. The many different aesthetic and
technical aspects and its long time span of production offer
possibilities to embed the various projects in the regular curriculum of
the educational institutes.

This website is part of the major media project 'the Tulse Luper
Suitcases'. The site will build up an archive in the next 3 years from
which the life of the character Tulse Luper can be reconstructed out of
the content of 92 suitcases that he has apparently travelled with and are
found all over the world. It is our ambition to build it into a vast
network. Not only the life of Tulse Luper can be reconstructed from this
archive, but in addition some 60 years of 20th century history can be
explored, starting in1928 when uranium was found in Utah till 1989 with
the fall of the Berlin Wall when Tulse Luper was presumably last heard

The site is designed and developed by the Dutch compnay the-Case. At this
moment students from different universities in Holland and Germany are
working on projects to incorporate into this site at some point.
Coordinator of these projects is Marc Thelosen of Rotterdam based

The Tulse Luper Journey
The Tulse Luper Journey is an online interactive story and a multi-player
game experience, in which intensive collaboration between the players is a
must. The goal of the game is to reconstruct the life of Tulse Luper and
to unravel the mystery of his life and will be an online interactive
search in 20th centurys European History. The game is currently beind
developed by Submarine in Amsterdam. The plan is to have it online when
the first feature film: 'the Tulse Luper Suitcases: episode I - the Moab
Story' will be released.

October 18, 2003

Peter Greenaway - a personal history of Uranium

The Tulse Ouper Suitcases

"..The 92 suitcases also play a major role in the Tulse Luper journey, the
online game designed to complement and extend the story told on film.
Players enter the game as interns on a research team, charged with piecing
togther the life of Tulse Luper. Nobody knows the exact story, since the
films themselves present opposing accounts.." katie salen [res magazine]

video trailer c/o soundpalette
Posted by neil jenkins at October 18, 2003 01:44 AM


Posted Oct 18 2003 on
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