Fwd: The Upgrade! presentations online

From: Yael Kanarek <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Oct 16, 2003 11:19:11 AM US/Eastern
To: [email protected]
Subject: The Upgrade! presentations online

> Dear all,
> To those who couldn't attend, the presentations of
> Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Mary Flanagan are now available on
> The Upgrade! Documents website:
> http://www.treasurecrumbs.com/theupgrade/index.html
> The archive:
> http://www.treasurecrumbs.com/theupgrade/archive.html
> Best,
> Yael Kanarek
> Yael Kanarek :: NYC
> :: net.art = http://www.worldofawe.net
> :: initiatives = http://www.treasurecrumbs.com