www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back- ............. statement ............. 20031016 - 12:38 (3)


title : www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back-

statement :


..e.. …i..oi.e ..u.e ..i..e..e & ..u. ..a.o.*



<meta name="date-creation-yyyymmdd" content="20030902">
<meta name="date-revision-yyyymmdd" content="20031013">

html javascript audio flash
made on PC P IV 1,8Ghz
recommended for PC Internet Explorer 6
tested PC Internet Explorer, mozilla
tested MAC Internet Explorer, Safari
SpeedWarning Connection




, Jim Andrews


title : www.-reverse.-flash-.-.back-

statement :

..e.. …i..oi.e ..u.e ..i..e..e & ..u. ..a.o.*

holy cats! that's quite a show! great to see this sort of combo of DHTML
and, um, Flash, I guess, given the audio synch with the windowing? You're
opening windows based on the state of the audio, mainly?

i love the statement, too. a refreshing reversal of the usual net.art
where it's all statement and no work.

worked great on my puny 400 MHz PII XP machine, by the way.
