and succulent erasure

This body (or these words)
when I can I arrange
in postures symmetrical with
autumn wind, and the murmurs
of your sleep, those I catch
nightly walking here, bloody
with sirens. I didn't mean

to drown myself in a bathtub, taut
and succulent erasure, but,
there, it's done: I feel as good
as you do about it, only
I've always thought your arms
were beautiful bare, so soft

I knew the middle
would collapse eventually.
Admit it: we left a lovely
stain on the sky, by kissing:

if I could push straight through you,
mouth on fire, mouth in drowning, rip
myself out of my bones, glimmer
with all the spotted glory (hitch
in breath) of Lorain's clouds, chemical
alacrity, you'd still love me, even when
I just get up. I'd still drift in your eyes
when you kissed someone else.


NEW!!!–Dirty Milk–reactive poem for microphone

tubulence artist studio:

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