re:Play: an exhibition of critical games by artists

> From: honor <[email protected]>
> Date: Wed Oct 8, 2003 6:16:21 AM US/Eastern
> To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected]
> Subject: <re:Play>: an exhibition of critical games by artists
> hi rhizomes,
> i wanted to let you know about the exhibition r a d i o q u a l i a
> have
> put together in cape town, south africa. it is about political
> computer
> games made by artists and is called <re:Play>.
> hope this is of interest to some of you.
> best
> honor
> ———————————————————————-
> r a d i o q u a l i a + the Institute for Contemporary Art, Cape Town
> announce:
> an exhibition of critical games by artists:
> <re:Play>
> 08.10.03 - 01.11.03
> L/B's
> The Lounge at Jo'Burg Bar
> 222 Long Street
> Cape Town 8001
> South Africa
> <re:Play> explores the world of the computer game. It features an
> exhibition of artists' computer games and a programme of workshops and
> lectures, given by the curators and artists in the exhibition.
> One of the most popular forms of entertainment in contemporary culture
> is
> the computer game. <re:Play> considers how gaming has affected the
> development of new forms of technological creativity and new modes of
> interaction and communication between people. It introduces techniques
> and
> strategies employed by artists and technicians working with games, and
> asks
> how can the hardware and software used to distribute and present games
> be
> subverted, re-purposed or even enriched through the intervention of
> artists
> or maverick technicians.
> <re:Play> presents projects created by artists which use game formats
> to
> make political observations. While some of the games presented are
> entirely
> new creations (such as Antiwargame by Josh On + Futurefarmers), others
> are
> ironic, often slightly humourous recreations of existing lo-fi arcade
> games
> (such as Space Invaders Act 1732 by Andy Deck). While the original
> arcade
> games such as Space Invaders, Quick Draw and Backlash encouraged users
> to
> engage in acts of violence, the artistic recreations of these games are
> infused with a political dimension that critiques the original violent
> character of the games, and also invites a slightly more meditative
> approach to the subject matter being presented in the games.
> The games in the exhibition are:
> Space Invaders Act 1732 by Andy Deck
> Blacklash by Mongrel
> Antiwargame by Josh On + Futurefarmers
> The Intruder by Natalie Bookchin
> Escape from Woomera by selectparks
> NationStates by Max Barry
> These games have a strong political dimension, and explore how play,
> interaction and competition can be utilised in an artistic context.
> The advent of digital technology is arguably the most important recent
> development in contemporary art. Computers, the internet, digital
> video and
> audio, as well as other technological tools, have become as integral to
> artistic expression as they have to other fields of human activity. As
> a
> result new forms of artistic practice are emerging.
> Although computers, the internet, and interactive games technologies
> have
> the potential to level the playing fields within culture, and offers
> previously marginalised artists the opportunity to participate equally
> within a global mainstream, the unequal distribution of technology and
> a
> continuing lack of access to knowledge pools has led to a situation
> where
> only a small number of artists in South Africa are ready and able to
> use
> digital technology effectively as a form and medium of expression. This
> exhibition and related education programmes will offer South African
> audiences and people interested in visual culture, the opportunity to
> experience current practices within art which exists on the internet or
> within computer games.
> The project includes a programme of workshops and lectures
> <>
> The workshops will be lead by Graham Harwood from Mongrel, and will
> introduce people to the technologies and concepts used by artists who
> work
> with digital media.
> A collaboration between the Institute for Contemporary Art, Cape Town
> and r
> a d i o q u a l i a and realised with the support of the the British
> Council, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Pro
> Helvetia,
> digicape and Jo'burg Bar.
> r a d i o q u a l i a
> Email: [email protected]
> URL:
> Institute for Contemporary Art, Cape Town
> Email: [email protected]
> L/B's: the lounge at Jo'burg Bar
> Address: 222 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001
> Ph: +27 21 422 0142
> Email: [email protected]
> URL:
> [email protected]
> r a d i o q u a l i a:
> *
> present location: cape town, .za
> *
> current research: